Discover all the different ways companies are using Pimcore to automate processes, centralize data management or simplify digitalization challenges
Pimcore Development Hub
9 min readJan 20, 2020

Pimcore is an open-source platform that is quickly gaining popularity. Especially in Europe, but also in some Asian countries, some parts of North America and also America!

Huge companies like IKEA, Audi, and Intersport have made a bold move and implemented Pimcore in their everyday work and the results are great!

Being a web and mobile development company, Pimcore instantly gained our interest. We’ve come to like it so much that today we have a separate Pimcore team that is constantly growing. With Pimcore benefits in mind, more and more clients are relying on Pimcore development to ensure the high quality of their web solution.

Considering all of that, we’ll try to elaborate more on why should Pimcore be your digital experience platform!

Firstly, we’ll define what is Pimcore and how did it become such a great solution for big enterprises!

What is Pimcore actually?

According to the official Pimcore documentation:

Pimcore is the leading open-source platform for managing digital data and a fully integrated software stack for CMS, Digital Asset Management, Product Information Management, and Commerce. As a platform, Pimcore provides a solid foundation with generic functionality for all kinds of web applications and therefore allows rapid application development and building customer solutions really fast. Its API driven approach makes it easy to develop with Pimcore, allows integration into every IT infrastructure and makes it easily extendable. Even headless execution of Pimcore is possible.

In other words,

Pimcore enables you to maintain all your product information, enables multichannel publishing, as well as editing and managing content and creating catalogs or price sheets.

As it’s an open-source platform, you can fully customize it and modify it to best suit your eCommerce needs. If you still feel like you don’t enough about Pimcore in general, take a look at our more detailed article — what is Pimcore and what are the benefits of using Pimcore solution.

Pimcore poses as an ideal solution as it integrated CMS, DAM, PIM/MDM and eCommerce. Pimcore consists out of 6 products and eCommerce is only a small part of the full extent of Pimcore’s power. For example, you can develop PIM and MDM on one platform and integrate it with your eCommerce.

The aim of this article is to present you with ways of implementing Pimcore products in your business — according to that, we’ll show you how other companies are already using Pimcore as their solution and what are the benefits.

Let’s take deeper into the Pimcore world with some real examples!

Why does IKEA find Pimcore perfect for their eCommerce business?

We think you can already see why Pimcore is quickly gaining more and more users and why businesses are using the Pimcore eCommerce solution. It’s ideal for businesses that are managing lots of data and products.

Pimcore development solution for IKEA

Due to the high number of products displayed in their eCommerce store, IKEA started using Pimcore to easily manage their content, promotions, and offers. Firstly, IKEA enabled free WiFi to all its customers who enter the store. This way, the marketing team can show all advertisements on mobile phones so customers can be navigated towards their desired product.

When users access the landing page they are asked to leave some personal information. By leaving that information, IKEA’s marketing team has permission to conduct market research about their customers. In a really short period of time, they can come up with an offer that customers would be interested in.

The end result is — increase in sales!

To conclude, Pimcore is gaining popularity in the eCommerce world due to several reasons:

  • Provides an easy-to-use solution
  • Provides a centralized place for all business activities
  • Has a wide range of functionalities

Taking all of this into consideration, Pimcore will continue to gain popularity among eCommerce businesses!

How did Bornack implement the PIM product of Pimcore?

Bornack, a company that develops work safety equipment, poses as one of the best examples of using the PIM product of Pimcore. Bornack needed to leverage the power of PIM to display all of their products along with their product descriptions.

With the help of PIM, a system has been created which can store a huge amount of data, including picture-related text. That way, all of the data can be maintained and easily displayed from one central place.

What did Bornack gain from implementing the PIM product of Pimcore?

Now, they can easily manage all of their product data, their website traffic increased and customer satisfaction levels have skyrocketed!

Pimcore’s PIM product poses as an intuitive and simple platform for managing product information. Generally, PIM enables quality management and creating workflows.

PIM centralizes and harmonizes all your marketing, sales and technical product information — it can acquire, manage and share any type of digital data and is designed for easy integration into already existing IT landscapes.

Maintaining 16 different websites was never easier for Berlitz!

Berlitz is a center for foreign languages and education. Their business needs somewhat differ from the business needs of Bornack — which shows the diversity and flexibility of Pimcore as a platform.

They had 16 websites that needed to be unified on a single website. They are operating in more than 550 offices across more than 70 countries and they are offering an option for booking seminars. Information about the number of booked seminars need to be shown in real-time and all of the data must be harmonized with the existing ERP system.

With the help of MDM, another Pimcore product, an application has been created which serves as a central place for data management of all 16 websites. By using the application, all of the data could be easily managed and maintained from one central place.

Also, blocks of text were easily translated using translation tools provided by Pimcore. Through API, all of the data was synchronized with the existing ERP system.

And what were the end results?

Each country has adjusted its website according to their needs — control, overview, and organization of all events was simplified.

MDM allows you to manage all different data in one central location. It enables you to manage any aspect of any master record — including hierarchy, structure, validation, versioning, descriptions, translations, etc.

Falkensteiner Hotels Group — how did Pimcore DAM product help them?

Falkensteiner Hotels are one of the most premium hotels across Europe. They needed a solution that will enable them to centralize all of their hotel’s visuals, be it for internal or external needs. Pimcore’s DAM product seemed like an ideal solution!

With the help of the DAM system, content editors now can create personalized landing pages for every single device.

All of this resulted in creating personalized landing pages, an increased conversion rate on their website and in adjusted responsive website with advanced user experience and user interface.

In essence, they needed to deal with a large amount of digital data — such as pictures, videos, documents, graphics, and other media assets. Pimcore’s DAM product is responsible for that. It’s perfect for businesses that need to manage large quantities of data — such as Falkensteiner Hotels Group. It enables you to manage any type and any amount of digital assets.

Managing more than 3 million customer profiles with CDP

Intersport Rent is a service by the sports retailer Intersport with more than 800 shops across Europe and Canada. Through Intersport Rent, customers can reserve sports equipment online and pick it up in a shop. This service has grown to the point where it generates one-third of the Intersport’s revenue.

They wanted to create a central online portal for all countries where customers can easily designate their trip destination, time-frame, and the products they wish to rent. They needed a solution, a flexible one that can adjust to their country-specific pricing and franchise partner needs.

By using the Pimcore customer data platform (CDP), Intersport was able to create a consolidated database of customer profiles. With the help of CDP, they are already managing more than 3 million customer profiles.

The benefit for the customer is clear — no need for entering their personal data over and over again. By reserving their skiing vacation and products, customers save their time and pay a lower price which greatly improved the customer experience of Intersport Rent.

And what are the results? The impact of the Pimcore CDP solution for Intersport was enormous. Since 2011, more than 265,000 winter sport equipment rentals have been facilitated through the Pimcore system. They achieved 300,000 reviews of their service — almost exclusively positive. Online sales are still growing — there was a 50% increase in sales in Germany, and that’s only in 2018! Now that’s impressive, isn’t it?

Pimcore’s CDP product is ideal for storing and managing master data records of your customers. By aggregating customer activities from different source systems — you get a consistent and unified view of all customer data.

Single source of content for all European websites and different versions of the mobile applications for Burger King

Burger King is one of the biggest American chains of fast-food restaurants — more than 17,000 restaurants! Their branches in Europe needed a user-friendly website solution which will enable them to upload their media assets and other types of content whenever they release a new product or a promotion.

They needed the ability to manage the content of their mobile application and notify their customers via push notifications — and we’re talking about millions of users!

Also, they needed a way to separate the different European country’s web because of a great difference in languages and products which vary from region to region.

Now, how did they use the power of Pimcore WCM? Pimcore provided the Burger King with a multi-lingual content management framework solution for European countries. Pimcore solution functioned as a single source of content for all European websites and different versions of the mobile applications. Using the mobile app plugin, they can now easily send push notifications to all mobile users.

How did all of this result? With an increase in sales and revenue! Now they can easily update all of their content to make sure that campaigns are promoted on time. Thanks to the fact it was easy to advertise coupons and promotions, they brought in more and more customers.

Pretty amazing results for all companies, right?

By using Pimcore, you have the possibility of choosing several Pimcore products besides eCommerce to reach your full potential!

Pimcore is a 100% open-source platform designed to give business owners the control of all your enterprise’s technology architecture. Every business is unique and has its own processes and Pimcore has the ability to adapt to every type of business.

If you find this interesting, say and let’s talk more about what Pimcore can do for your business!


Pimcore Development Hub

We are Factory — a remote-first company focused on executing the most complex digital business transformations based on Pimcore technologies.