One more trailer load

Amy Jackson
Pimp my House
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2015

We thought we could stay in as they lifted the house — technically it’s possible. Obviously on the actual day of the lift we’d have to be out, but we wouldn't have to empty the house, just pack away the really fragile stuff. But, as the project got bigger, a couple of stages turned in to “let’s just do the lot!” . Staying started to seem pretty impractical!

So by some random stroke of luck, we managed to find a rental house literally just around the corner. The street parallel to ours, less than 100m, you can see our gum tree from the back step. Loads of storage underneath — perfect! We’ve just bought a trailer, so we won’t need removalists — famous last words!

How we managed to fit so much stuff in one little house, I just don’t know! Eventually we lost count of trailer loads, gave up even packing it for some things. The trampoline and the swing set we quite literally just carried down the road! The fish tank was Andy’s favourite — I decided it wasn’t worth emptying the tank for such a short trip, so I put it on the parcel trolley. As Andy’s giggles became contagious, I ferried the fish down the steps, through the gate, over the gutter, round two corners, up the gutter, down the gravel drive, leaving a trail of water, and seaweed, behind!

When we started moving things, the storage under the house seemed huge. It’s now completely full, packed to the ceiling in several points! We even brought the kitchen island with us, just in case we need it! I’ve unscrewed all the handles from the kitchen cupboards, taken all the reusable hooks off the walls, towel rail came with us, the fans, the only thing I left behind was the toilet roll holder — but not because I didn’t try!

For about 3 weeks, each time we went round Andy reassured us “we’ve got just one last trailer load!”. The day after we handed over the keys, we finally filled the trailer one last time. And left it outside for a few more weeks! Today at last, after joining most of the rest of Brisbane at the tip on a public holiday, the trailer is empty, one last time! And so is our house — completely!

