A Beta and Some Metadata

Matt Ober
3 min readOct 5, 2018


It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at Pinata. Since winning at ETHBerlin, we’ve been receiving a ton of great feedback from teams around the world. From that feedback, we are thrilled to announce some exciting updates to our Pinata IPFS hosting service i.e Pinata Cloud.

Metadata Support

When uploading to IPFS, it can be hard to keep track of all of your content. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could give your uploads a name? Or, maybe, associate some vital data to each upload that allows you to find it easier? With Pinata’s new metadata functionality you can!

From this point onward, when adding content to IPFS through Pinata’s API, you can include optional metadata along with your API request. This includes giving your upload a custom name and the option to add custom key / value pairs. After uploading, you can use that metadata to find your content hashes using a new search functionality we’ve added to our userPinList API endpoint.

There’s a lot to talk about with this new feature. You can find more about how to use it here: How to Include Metadata with Your IPFS Uploads

Pinata Upload

Another feature people have been asking for is the ability to upload files via our web interface. Pinata users can go to the Pinata Upload page to upload content with the click of a button. No code. No hassle. Just click “Upload” and you’re good to go.

Pinata Mobile

To complement our new web-based file uploader, we’ve made much of our website mobile friendly. So, feel free to upload pictures of your dog from your phone. We do it all the time.

Pinata moves into Beta

With this new set of features, we’ve officially moved Pinata Cloud into Beta. With this move, our priority is keeping things stable. That means that any future changes we make should be backwards compatible and anything you pin to Pinata during our Beta period will still exist when we officially launch.

Think of this time as an extended free trial while the Pinata team continues to improve our product offerings. Speaking of product offerings…

Pinata Overlay

Since ETHBerlin, we’ve had a crazy amount of people reach out to us and ask about Pinata Overlay. With Pinata Cloud stable, we want to make sure we’re focusing on the right things. So, from this point on, we’ll be focusing much of our resources on building out Pinata Overlay.

Pinata Overlay offers an exciting opportunity for us to help projects around the world replicate their content on IPFS in a decentralized fashion. Keep an eye out for future posts detailing our progress as we build out the Pinata Overlay platform.

Finally, we’re going to need both hosting providers and smart contract owner beta testers. We need your help to make this thing happen! If you’re interested in getting involved, please send us an email at team@pinata.cloud. We’d love to hear from you!



Matt Ober
Writer for

CoFounder and CTO of Pinata — Building with IPFS