How to Create a Vox File for Cryptovoxels

Using MagicaVoxel, Pinata, and IPFS

Kyle Tut
3 min readMay 18, 2020


In this blog, I will show you how to create a .vox file for Cryptovoxels using MagicaVoxel, Pinata, and IPFS. If you’d prefer to watch how to create a .vox file, please watch the video above! You can visit Pinata’s Cryptovoxel spot on Proxima island here:,24U,572N

Download MagicaVoxel

The first thing you will want to do is download MagicaVoxel. MagicaVoxel is the tool you will be using to create your 3D voxel file for Cryptovoxels. To do so, go to Once there, download the best version for your computer.

Create .Vox File


Once you have downloaded MagicaVoxel, you will want to create your 3D voxel. If you are new to MagicaVoxel, I would recommend following this tutorial. Above, I’ve created the head of our Pinata logo.

“Export” menu bottom right, click “vox”

Once your voxel file is ready, you will want to export it as a .vox file to your computer. To so, go to the “Export” menu in the bottom right corner and click “vox”.

Upload to Pinata

Next, go to Pinata. If you don’t have an account, sign up for one. Once you are signed up, make your way to the “Pin Manager” as highlighted by the #1 arrow below. Once there, click “Upload” as highlighted by the #2 arrow below to upload your .vox file from your computer.

A modal will pop up. Click “File” as highlighted below by the arrow below.

Then, click “Click to upload” as highlighted by the #1 arrow below. Select your voxel file. Be sure to select “Preserve file name” as highlighted by the #2 arrow below. Next, click “Upload” as highlighted by the #3 arrow below to upload the file to Pinata.

Once it is uploaded, find it on the “Pin Manager”. This is your file management dashboard. Click the purple link as highlighted by the arrow below.

This will take you to an IPFS page as shown above. On that page, right click on the .vox file link and copy link address.

Link to Cryptovoxels

Once you have the link address copied, you can head over to your Cryptovoxels parcel. In your parcel, hit tab to open up the Cryptovoxels build menu and scroll down to click the .vox file option.

After you have clicked the .vox option, simply paste the link address into the URL field highlighted above. Once pasted, your .vox file should appear as shown above!

