Release Recap #01: We’ve Been Building!

Tyler Koenig
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2022

Our team works hard to continuously improve our platform for the creators, brands and marketplaces using Pinata for their projects. We thought it’d be great to share what they’ve been up to.

As the first of our product release recaps, we’ll go through some of the new features available to our Pinata users, what you can look forward to in the future, and a little bit of what we’ve been up to as a team. Enjoy!

More control of your media

Creators need more than ownership — they need control. Control over how they distribute their content, who sees it, and what can be done once they’ve got it.

Over the last year we’ve continued to push this idea forward with Submarining and a new pricing structure that gives more freedom, and more control. Now we’re expanding that control, with upgrades to our dedicated gateways.

Gateway Access Content Controls

This is a big one. Dedicated gateways are the fastest way to serve content to your audience. However, there can be security risks in exposing your gateway to the world. Our users have been asking for a way to beef up their gateway security, and we’ve delivered.

Gateway Access Controls allow you to further limit your gateway, making sure only your platform is using it. Through the use of Access Tokens, IP Address Restrictions, and Host Origin Restrictions, creators can rest easy knowing that their gateways are safe. For more information check out the Pinata Docs.

This feature is currently in private beta! If you would like to be included in this private beta, please email

Auto-creation of Restricted Gateways

We will now automatically create gateways for our users who upgrade from Pinata’s free plan to any paid plan! These gateway names will be randomly generated. This is a time saver for our users because previously you had to create your own gateway. Dedicated gateways greatly enhance the experience of consuming any media uploaded to Pinata.

Upgrades coming soon

Now that you know what’s live, here’s a peek at some of the upgrades we have launching in the coming weeks.

More efficient uploads

Uploading (pinning) your content to Pinata is the first step in distributing to your audience. We’ve been listening to feedback, namely around issues with pinning large files efficiently and without drop-offs. Our team is working on major improvements to the upload process on the backend and will allow our users to share bigger and better content.

Improved feedback system

We want your feedback! We’re implementing a new customer feedback tool, Canny, on the Pinata webapp for you to request features, provide feedback, and report bugs. Get your ideas ready!

Revamped frontend UX/UI

Ohhh yeah. This is gonna be fun. We have been busy talking to our customers about how they would like their experience improved. We took all the feedback and gave the Pinata frontend an extreme makeover! Not just to look good, to make the entire pinning experience smoother, faster, and more enjoyable.

Stay tuned to our Twitter and Discord for updates on when these improvements are going live.

Pinata’s Hackathon Highlight

For 48 hours, Pinata was the world’s most colorful incubator. We held an internal two day hackathon during the last week of August. Employees chose a group to work with and had to come up with an App NFT to present to the entire company.

Here were the only rules:

  1. The project must use Pinata in some way
  2. The NFT you create must be deployed and on a testnet to qualify

Each team had some pretty brilliant ideas including a gamification of Dall-E, an NFT CRM platform, and an app that lets you create your own meme NFT, there could only be one winner: Soundbasket.

SoundBasket lets you collect NFTs directly from artists by verifying that you are listening to their music.

  1. Connect your wallet and let Soundbasket listen to a song from your chosen artist.
  2. Once the song is verified, the artists’ NFT will be unlocked, which you can add to your collection.
  3. With the NFT as your entry, access the artist’s private swag page and discover new artists along the way.

Not bad for 2 days of hacking!

And on that note, that about wraps up our first release recap. As always, feel free to reach out to our team if you have any thoughts, feedback, or feature requests that you’d like to see. Our goal is to empower creators, and with your help, that’s what we’ll continue to do.

Happy pinning!

