Hit The Start Button

Pinball Wizard
Published in
1 min readFeb 16, 2015


It all starts with the start button. Welcome to a whole different world. The lights flash, the clinking, clanking and clattering collection of physical parts send you off on a path to keep a metal sphere alive as long as possible.

What happened to pinball?

Video games in all forms have pushed it aside. But it is still here, and some say it is back and getting stronger than ever. We are tired of just screens with tech where the graphics have gotten so good you question what is real. Pinball is a ball-and-bat game — it’s tennis, it’s baseball, it’s golf. The ball is a randomizer. The ball is wild. The ball is a real metal object. It’s more unpredictable than any video game you could create. It’s why we will not let it disappear.

So welcome to the start of a journey. The journey to find the people, or the person who is the Pinball Wizard. Even if he is not real, and hides behind a curtain, it may just be the collection of people who go to find him and then realize it’s been with them all along to bring pinball back to the mainstream.

And we are off…

