Beyoncé Offers Support To Black-Owned Small Businesses

Beyoncé. Business. Celebrity News

Nengeh Banda
Daily Mary — The Blog
3 min readJul 23, 2020


Award-winning star Beyoncé has offered her support to black-owned small businesses. The Grammy-winning star has teamed up with the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) through BeyGOOD’s Black Business Impact Fund to help support small firms that have been impacted by the health crisis.

Beyoncé has offered her support to black-owned small businesses.

A statement explained: “Over the last couple of months, the pandemic and outpours for justice throughout the Black community and across the country has been felt in every imaginable area of our lives, including in how our local businesses continue to operate. “The challenges of Black business owners navigating in the climate cannot be understated, as the effects of uprisings across the nation have led to many businesses being placed in dire straits due to damages and other small business needs.”

Black-owned small businesses are now being given the chance to secure grants worth around $10,000 to help sustain themselves through the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Beyoncé recently admitted she was actually “terrified” to start her own company. The 38-year-old singer revealed she was nervous to take a “bet” on herself and start her own business — but ultimately, she took the plunge and hasn’t regretted it since.

She said: “The entertainment business is still very sexist. It’s still very male-dominated, and as a woman, I did not see enough female role models given the opportunity to do what I knew I had to do. Not enough black women had a seat at the table, so I had to go and chop my own wood and build my own table. “Then, I had to invite the best there was to have a seat. That meant hiring women, men, outsiders, underdogs, people who were overlooked and underseen … Stepping out is the best thing you can do for self-discovery. “I know how hard it is to step out and bet on yourself. I had to trust that I was ready … but that was terrifying.”

A statement explained: “Over the last couple of months, the pandemic and outpours for justice throughout the Black community and across the country has been felt in every imaginable area of our lives, including in how our local businesses continue to operate. “The challenges of Black business owners navigating in the climate cannot be understated, as the effects of uprisings across the nation have led to many businesses being placed in dire straits due to damages and other small business needs.”

Black-owned small businesses are now being given the chance to secure grants worth around $10,000 to help sustain themselves through the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Beyoncé recently admitted she was actually “terrified” to start her own company. The 38-year-old singer revealed she was nervous to take a “bet” on herself and start her own business — but ultimately, she took the plunge and hasn’t regretted it since.

She said: “The entertainment business is still very sexist. It’s still very male-dominated, and as a woman, I did not see enough female role models given the opportunity to do what I knew I had to do. Not enough black women had a seat at the table, so I had to go and chop my own wood and build my own table. “Then, I had to invite the best there was to have a seat. That meant hiring women, men, outsiders, underdogs, people who were overlooked and underseen … Stepping out is the best thing you can do for self-discovery. “I know how hard it is to step out and bet on yourself. I had to trust that I was ready … but that was terrifying.”

