Will The Cast Of Moly Studios’ Upcoming Fiction Drama: Karma Decides Who Dies, Be Comprised Entirely Of Women?


Nengeh Banda
Daily Mary — The Blog
4 min readMar 8, 2024


The role of gender diversity has become a focal point, driving discussions and shaping narratives that challenge traditional norms of entertainment. Moly Studios’ forthcoming fiction drama, titled Karma Decides Who Dies, has sparked intrigue and anticipation with its unprecedented all-women cast. As viewers eagerly await the unveiling of this groundbreaking production, the question looms: will the ensemble be exclusively comprised of women?

In a cinematic landscape where representation and inclusivity take center stage, the prospect of an all-women cast marks a significant departure from conventional storytelling. This bold creative choice not only celebrates the artistic prowess and collective talent of women in the industry but also offers a platform for their voices to shine in a narrative intricately woven with themes of fate, justice, and the enigmatic workings of karma.

Official Poster: Karma Decides Who Dies, Season 1

The Plot

As the curtains prepare to rise on this enigmatic narrative, details surrounding the main plot remain veiled in mystery, adding an element of suspense and curiosity that has gripped audiences worldwide. However, a trailer (which we can’t tell for now, if it’s the official trailer) titled Episode 00, may have already hinted that we may be looking at of experiences that are common amongst our society today. When we asked the show-runner how relevant this Episode 00 is to the show as a whole, he stressed that,

Enongene Kendrick N. Jackson: It is everything! It is a discussion that I taped without his (Ngole Lawson) concern. Back then, we were thinking of how to switch the tempo on the Recycler Podcast (Which we later cancelled). And the reason it got cancelled is because, when I sat back and listened to the tape, (like a whole year later) I came back to him and played it. And then he gave me the permission for us to publish it. Then after a month we sat down in the office and before you know it, before us, was the plot for a new/better story.

Ngole Lawson — Featured in Episode 00 of Moly Studios’ Karma Decides Who Dies

The Cast

Rumors abound regarding the star-studded lineup of talent in talks with Moly Studios, with notable names such as Gasha (Singer), Roukayatou Hagui (Fashion Model/Entrepreneur), Morgan Lepinois (Fashion Model/Entrepreneur), and Embu Josmile (Women Fitness Influencer/Entrepreneur) swirling in the gossip mill. Their potential involvement in this unprecedented project has set the industry abuzz, hinting at a collaboration that promises to electrify screens and hearts alike with their collective artistry and presence. However, In their statement to Daily Mary Magazine, Moly Studios, though their Press Agent, Sidonie Sih, have refused claims circulating online that the cast is going to be comprised of 100% women.

Sidonie: It is true that we have more women in the studio, than men. But then, we also have male roles. Infact the ratio is slightly proportional. The main cast comprise of three female roles, and two male roles. The Supporting cast, also comprise of a similar ratio of women to men. So everyone is involved. — The Idea is to address these juvenile issues from a woman’s perspective.

L-R: Morgan Lepinois, Gasha, Roukayatou Hagui, Embu Josmile — In talks with Moly Studios, for possible roles in the upcoming fiction drama, Karma Decides Who Dies, Season 1.


Karma Decides Who Dies has already begun production. As of now, we have learned that script–rehearsals sessions are scheduled to start in three weeks in order to meetop with the scheduled release date. The sessions would be held in Douala (a coastal region of Cameroon).

Release Date

Karma Decides Who Dies is scheduled for a mid-september release. And as the countdown begins, the enigmatic allure of the show beckons audiences to step into a realm where fate, justice, and the mysterious workings of karma converge. With a net-women ensemble poised to lead the charge, this visionary project stands as a testament to the power of female storytelling, offering a platform for their voices to resonate in a narrative that transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling.


Karma Decides Who Dies will be available in 82 countries (including 32 African Countries) on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, RadioPublic, and Pocket Casts.

