Image by franckinjapan via

Checking connectivity in Flutter

Thomas Middel


The connectivity package is this week’s ‘package of the week’. It lets you easily check if there’s a connection or not, giving both you but also possibly the user better feedback on what’s going on. Let’s go hands-on and give it a spin!

Don’t you hate it when you get this ‘something went wrong’ error without knowing what actually went wrong? We’ve all been there, but probably have all done it in our own apps as well: we try to get away with some basic error handling, just making sure we let the user know there was an error without actually telling them what the problem was. They might try again, hoping the next request will succeed, but it might as well be hopeless.

There’s no surprise in telling you this is a bad user experience, and luckily the connectivity package helps us to improve our app’s UX! A package that helps us to check whether the device has a connection to a cellular (mobile) network, wifi, or none at all! By using this package, we can improve error handling, telling the user they’re not connected to any network for example.

Checking our connection

Cool, so first things first, let’s put the package in our pubspec.yaml file:

connectivity_plus: 1.0.3

Now run flutter pub get and we’re ready to go!

