Exciting news for Pine Biotech

Elia Brodsky
Pine Biotech
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2017

We’re in the News! We’re excited to share a funding update and new plans in developing and commercialization of a proprietary biomedical data analysis and machine learning platform. Genomeweb, Silicon Bayou, Nola.com, The New Orleans Advocate, and other local and national publications covered the story.

Pine Biotech recently announced that it secured over a million USD in seed funding from investors this May in support of the development and commercialization of their proprietary biomedical data analysis and machine learning platform. Incorporated in the end of 2014, Pine Biotech is commercializing a biomedical data analysis platform in collaboration with the Tauber Bioinformatics Research Center and the University of Haifa.

The platform is designed to serve unmet needs in clinical studies, academic research and education. This solution is different than other biomedical analysis software currently available. The platform enables researchers to conduct comprehensive analysis of large genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, structural and phenotyic data using an intuitive interface. Molecular data reveals important mechanisms of actions that are best studied as a system, making this integrative approach critical for understanding and treating disease. The machine learning platform utilizes algorithms developed over years of research and trained in many academic projects.

In addition to making multi-omics analysis accessible for non-bioinformaticians, the platform includes a machine learning toolkit and interactive visualization. “Our company’s focus is on analysis of molecular data, or “omics” data, because it contains information on an unprecedented level of precision,” says CEO Elia Brodsky, “By enabling researchers and clinicians to extract real insight from omics data, we hope that new and more effective approaches to diagnostics and therapeutics will be developed.” The funding comes in support of newly secured collaborations with government agencies, academic medical centers and technology partners. “Now our team we will be able to move our work out of the research space and start addressing clinical challenges together with our partners.”

“Integration of multi-omics and clinical data will be key to implementation of precision medicine. Innovative startups like Pine partnering with academic health centers are the engine that will produce the novel algorithms necessary for this quantum leap in health care.”

Dr. Lucio Miele, Lucio Miele, M.D., Ph.D.Professor and Department Head, LSU School of Medicine, Department of Genetics Director for Inter-Institutional Programs, LSU Stanley Scott Cancer Center and Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium



Elia Brodsky
Pine Biotech

dabbling in bioinformatics, data-science, project management and startup development.