Free training in Bioinformatic analysis available with Pine Biotech’s T-BioInfo

Elia Brodsky
Pine Biotech
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2017

Data analytics skills are in high demand in clinical research and treatment development, though most bioinformatics education courses focus on technical issues rather than the bigger picture of big data and its potential to change the way we view disease and treatment discovery. Learning how to run bioinformatic analysis is costly with the high prices of courses through a University or online education program — not to mention the countless hours which must be devoted to learning coding languages, scripts, and downloading software packages. The result is an approach to bioinformatics which ignores biology.

Our online educational modules are different — applying our algorithms and visualization tools to real publically available molecular data. Through our user-friendly visual interface cloud platform, T-BioInfo, we bypass the technical investment of education in bioinformatics. The T-bioInfo platform simplifies the computational approach to allow scientists from all backgrounds to move forward in the world of big data. “Analyzing large datasets can be a challenge for molecular biologists.” Said Dr. Christian Pfaller of the Cattaneo Lab in the Mayo Clinic. “T-Bio provides a comprehensive platform with a user-friendly graphical interface that allows a wide range of NGS algorithms.”

The online courses developed by Pine Biotech are centered on eliminating the disconnect between data gathering and data analysis by training professionals and students alike in bioinformatic analysis using the T-Bio Info platform. Projects crafted using publically available data contain detailed biological data, broken down into digestible, easy-to-manipulate visualizations, offering scientists and students alike a new means of working with ‘omics data — without expensive the technology and coursework. In a workshop conducted with University students, the students were able to complete our course modules, working with real scientific datasets — and passed content knowledge quizzes in a two hour session. Programs range from a basic introduction to bioinformatics, to in-depth project guides which lead the user through analysis.

With the abundance of data available, it is up to data scientists to derive the value of the information generated daily. The world of big data is constantly evolving, and scientists of all backgrounds need to find ways to integrate the value of the data within their own work in order to keep up with the deluge of new and backlogged information. We seek to streamline skill development in bioinformatics. Our approach focuses on the understanding of biological processes and molecular factors — without introducing complex computer science, empowering non-bioinformatician biologists to take full advantage of the endless data at their fingertips.

With the ability to understand large medical data, the possibilities for research and discovery are endless!

Our online education system is extensive, with full online courses in development for each of the analysis modalities.

Register for free at to explore course modules:

  • Introduction to Biomedical Data Analysis
  • Transcriptomics: NGS Expression Profiling
  • Genomics: Mutation Variant Analysis
  • Microbiome: Microbial Diversity
  • Epigenetics: ChIP-Seq and WBGS profiling
  • Machine Learning: Understand your data

Each section contains step-by-step explanations from both data and biological perspectives to develop analysis logic that the user can take with them!



Elia Brodsky
Pine Biotech

dabbling in bioinformatics, data-science, project management and startup development.