Love’s Not Just For Christmas

Ichi Kanaya
Pineapple Blog
Published in
7 min readDec 21, 2017
Love’s Not Just For Christmas (Newsweek Japan より転載)

次の曲 “Love’s Not Just For Christmas” (愛はクリスマスのためだけのものじゃない)は「科学的にもっとも幸せな」クリスマスソングということになっている.

Love’s Not Just For Christmas — the happiest Christmas song (according to science…)

その理由がバークリー音楽大学教授のジョー・ベネット (Joe Bennett) による Data analysis of Musical and Lyric Traits in the UK’s favourite Christmas songs に書かれている.Spotify 英国版で2016年12月25日を含む週のトップ200曲からクリスマスに関連する78曲を選び,歌詞のテーマ,テンポ,キー,ボーカルの種類(男性,女性,デュエット,ボーカル無し),そしてベルの使用の有無を調査し,それらを元に作曲家スティーブ・アンダーソンが作曲したのがこの “Love’s Not Just For Christmas” だったのだ.


方法 (Methodology)

We analysed the top 200 UK Spotify song streams from the week of December 25th 2016, to identify the songs that people were choosing to play at home over the festive season. Of these 200 songs, 78 were Christmas or Holiday related, and we focused the analyses on these. We chose to work with streams (rather than CD sales or past hit singles charts) because they are most likely to represent the songs that people choose to listen to at home. In the age of CDs people would be more likely to listen to CD albums with a pre-selected compilation of Christmas songs. A streaming-based approach allows us to look at individual songs, and to focus on contemporary, rather than historical, song preferences.

クリスマスシーズンに家庭で流される楽曲を調べるために,英国版 Spotify で2016年12月25日を含む週のトップ200曲を調査した.200曲中78曲がクリスマスまたはホリデイシーズンに関連する曲であった.我々がCDセールスやシングルチャートではなくストリーミングサービスを対象に調査したのは,それが家庭の実態により近いと考えるからである.(略)

Each song’s musical key was noted. For songs that changed key, the key of the chorus was used. Each song’s year of release, time signature and beats per minute tempos were recorded. The songs were also categorized according to the vocal — Male, Female, M/F duet, Group or instrumental. Finally, the songs were categorized into 9 broad lyric themes. When a song had more than one theme (e.g. a party song featuring a snowman), the main/majority theme was used.


発見 (Findings)

These 78 Christmas songs were analysed for their lyric theme, tempo, musical key, vocal, and sleigh bell usage.

Of the top 78 Christmas songs…


There were 9 broad lyric themes: Home (family, open fires, gifts under the tree, coming home etc), In love (that special someone at Christmas), Lost love (dumped and lonely at Christmas), Party (dancing, mistletoe), Santa (and reindeer), Snow (and snowmen, sleighs, cold winters etc), Religious (nativity story), Peace on earth, Instrumental (no lyrics)


38 (49%) featured sleigh bells.


10 songs (13%) were by Michael Bublé.


Some of the most commonly occurring words were snow, party, tree, Santa, love, home, and cold.


95% of the songs were in a major key; 90% were in 4/4 time (of which 55% had a regular straight 4 beat, and 35% had a swing beat).


68% of the songs had a male vocal; 24% had a female vocal; the remainder were instrumentals or group vocals.


原論文では「68%が男性ボーカル」となっているのだが “Love’s Not Just For Christmas” は女性ボーカル曲になっている.この調査の過程で,クリスマスシーズンでもっとも人気のある曲はマライア・キャリーの “All I want for Christmas is you” (恋人たちのクリスマス)であったこともわかったようなので,その影響かもしれない.

Mariah Carey: All I want for Chrsitmas is you



