What is a design sprint?

Theo Crowley
Pineapple Workshop
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2022

A design sprint is a process in which a client works with our designer to turn their idea into tangible mock-ups.

The purpose of a design sprint is to take a client from ideation to the first milestone of building their product.

Design sprints are essential in helping developers align with project scope. Furthermore, getting an understanding of project scope helps estimate a project’s cost.

The deliverable or end goal of our design sprints is to deliver fully built Figma designs to the client, along with a cost estimate to build the project. With the designs and cost estimate, the client can shop around for development teams or have us at Pineapple Workshop build their application.

The design process we follow takes the form of a double diamond model. The first diamond, known as the “Challenge”. The Challenge consists of discovering user/consumer needs and defining the product. Before we start a design sprint we expect clients to have completed the Challenge diamond.

Pineapple Workshop enters the relationship to help the client complete the “Outcome” diamond. This stage consists of developing and delivering UI/UX.

Our Working Relationship

The design sprint process is billed weekly and consists of daily and weekly meetings with the client.


To begin the process, Pineapple Workshop has a kickoff meeting with the client. During the kickoff meeting our team members get acquainted with the client and their team members. We determine the best way to communicate: Slack, Discord, email, etc. We set how often we will do standup meetings. During this meeting the client outlines the project details and what he/his team has discovered in the “Challenge” part of the project.


Following the kickoff meeting, our designer meets with the client. These meetings will range from 15 minutes to an hour and will consist of brainstorming and question asking to assure we are aligned on project scope and the project’s progression.


This meet will serve as a main standup regarding challenges and deliverables.


The design sprint can continue for as long or as short as the client desires.

At the end of the design sprint, the client will have fully built UI/UX designs and a quote to develop the MVP.

