Pineapple Connects: Sarah + Angela are Networking

3 min readApr 11, 2023


Read the stories of ambitious networkers, meeting and connecting on Pineapple — the professional network for Gen Z!

View Sarah’s story here. View Angela’s story here.

👋 What made you want to connect or accept to connect with Angela?

I don’t remember if she sent a request or I did, either way her story is really great! If I sent the request I have every good reason to. She stood out to me from a lot of the others and it was so great to meet her in the Guild meeting! She had already started networking and has a post-secondary school that she wants to go to. To be certain of where you want to go earlier in the your high school career is great and helps form your next couple of years at high school.

👋 What made you want to connect or accept to connect with Sarah?

She’s interested in film and videography, reading, and writing books! I just thought we had a lot in common!

👋 What about Angela's pineapple story/profile stands out to you

She loves photography. I simply love photography as well. Also for the fact that she’s homeschooled and there aren’t many people who are homeschooled. She’s someone who dreams big and that’s what I like about people. To believe the impossible is possible. It’s nice seeing some optimistic people in a pessimistic world, really.

👋 What about Sarah’s pineapple story/profile stands out to you

She’s a Pineapple Highschool chapter lead!

👋 What did you learn from Angela since you connected?

We haven’t messaged (yet) but from her story, I know that she’s an amazing person. I hope I do get to message her more and learn more about her because I think her story stands out. Meeting her in the Guild meeting showed me how she’s thoughtful in how she speaks and what she brings to the table.

👋 What did you learn from Sarah since you connected?

I haven’t gotten the opportunity to message her yet! But hopefully we’ll start chatting soon!

👋 What inspires you from Angela?

Honestly, again, her big dreams. Sometimes I limit myself, thinking that I can’t do a certain thing but I need to start believing in myself. To start a production company is not easy but with the right mindset, the road to the end will be a lot smoother. Dreaming big and knowing you can do it is probably the hardest step. There’s always doubts but if you have a will you have a way. Also the things she aspires to do are so meaningful and just interesting all around. Like who wouldn’t want a publishing company for teens?

👋 What inspires you from Sarah?

She volunteers a lot! Which amazing!

👋 Sarah, what specific skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from networking?

I want to know more about the business world and different industries. I also want to know how to network more effectively. I want to know how to start my own non-profit to help others and create events. Other than that, I don’t really have any specific things I want to learn and I’m really open-minded to learn new things. If there’s something I am curious about learning, I will try to learn about it and it would be super helpful to get that from someone who is experienced in that area.

👋 Angela, what specific skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from networking?

I hope she can recommend some more programs to me that I can enroll in! I also hope to learn more about writing a blog from her.

Connect with Sarah:
Connect with Angela:




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