Canvas of The Closed Eyes

steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2017

By Steve Wardrip

The wind swirls through a rock formation off the beaten path in Utah. From the air it looks like Earth’s Belly button. The natural spiral of air is very loud.

Man is crawling spider on the surface of the ceiling. We are in position to interact with creation. As we are created, we create. The force that drives creation is life change, constant life change, gradually, suddenly, change. Sometimes we know, sometimes we don’t know. Eyes closed, focused on living. The machine is running, the wheels are turning, the doubts, fears, victories and triumphs are all moving and taking places, defragging our minds. We get weak, inefficient, boring and repetitive as we age. Things to combat that are doing just the opposite. Instead of sitting on the sofa, walk to a park bench, instead of eating that one and a half pound of chocolate covered peanuts, go to the market and get some orange juice, milk, strawberries, blueberries and some whipped cream. Make a fruit smoothie, yum. Live!

Who layed the cosmic egg? I don’t know either, but I know one thing, it cracked open. The albumin flowed stickily and yolk was on us. Can’t beat it, well, you can’t, maybe shouldn’t beat it is better terminology. Do you raise chickens at home? Over half the world does. I think raising eggs is a good idea. We are still in the system, not plasticated out of a recycled petroleum product which had residual side effects. Sustainable products like lumber, fish, plants and water are wondrous benefits of living on planet earth. Did you know anyone who lived or lives on a farmstead? It’s fascinating that nature provides almost all your necessities if you know what to do and where to look, survival is built in with planning. Running water purifies itself quickly. God feeds the birds and they don’t have to place an order. They just do a drive-thru.

Get in line, take what you need, leave the rest, don’t pass out the best, keep it on the shelf for when all the hell breaks through and well, it’s just better to have the best on hand in case you need it. Don’t hoard, board. Don’t cash, stash. Don’t hesitate, don’t be late, you can sing and dance and romance and ever get into a trance and wave about a lance, but don’t get caught by the canvas of the closed eye because what always happens is little miss sunshine comes and kicks you with her boot and makes you whimper into a fetus position and marry people like Tammy Fay Baker. Here’s your Gold Card, Rolex watch and your Porsche. Where’s my money? What divorce? She was just a secretary, you had your pool guy, why can’t we both just pile money to the sky? Oh, no, we have to screw it up, we have to make and throw up red flags, saying nothing is right, it’s all someone else’s fault. Why can’t we just leave it alone? Walk away, whistling. We are the real deal, feel it, move with it, for it moves us along. Nature got you this far and she can take you out in a heartbeat.

Constantly moving, life is like the elevators in hospital. Ride them all day, up and down, down and up, stopping at every random floor , controlled by little fingers pushing, directing traffic and facilitating change, transportation, motors running, cables winding, hydraulics pressurizing, electricity oscillating, grease lubricating, steel strengthening, and hearts loving, hands typing, minds racing, rollers rolling, chilling, relaxing, taking the edge of by modern means and living with the gifts of ancient times comfortably. The innate wisdom is still within us. The flow of energy is given us in shares. We use and move on. We move on and use. We choose to move and use or to be chosen to be used. Move!

You must do it in some form or fashion just to find out what it is. Once you know, stay there or leave. You can’t do both.You must move. You don’t have to leave to move, you just have to move. Leaving is an option but if you do leave, keep moving. Keeping moving is key. The best movers are those who move fluidly and effortlessly. A bit of confidence goes a long way. Encourage people and hope they remember you fondly.

Open your mind and let it unwind, there are treasures you don’t know about yet, wait, be patient and as promised, it will be revealed unto you. Dig on that deepness bro and sis. The great abyss, the melting kettle, the flow into hole, the bottomless our, the hole within it, the vast circle hoop… jump through the hoop, swirl in the whirl, be the first to leave the world, by looking from the top of the hill, and using your spirit, soul and will. You can do it when you put your mind to it. We thought we’d unite with you here, this way and you could relate. Welcome, reader. We travel sometimes on this tour to the same destinations. Hope, you’ve got a few minutes here at the Jupiter Cafe, It’s open until the rock shower when we must go under ground or freeze, getting pummeled to death by fist sized millions of falling rocks. The storm lasts about an hour. Beware, be fair, care and you’ll get there.

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steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot