Periwinkle Blue

steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store
Published in
1 min readSep 23, 2017

By steve wardrip

Periwinkle is a dainty little flower,
This small pretty plant looks good against a deep blue sky,
It goes well in tea a few leaves steeped for seven minutes,
We sip and our sickness goes away, is replaced with youthful joy,

On the other hand, take your bulldozers, trample the Periwinkle down,
Spray chemicals, kill the weed, obliterate any trace of the species
Then replace with human comfort and fabricated fantasy,
Kill the medicine that can save your life, destroy the savior, be a silly fool.

Periwinkle is blue,
So am I,

Periwinkle Blue must die,
So must I.



steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot