The Bulusan Volcano Natural Park in Bicol

steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2017

by Steve Wardrip

Mossy under vines intertwine with the molecular structure of the fungus, flora and fauna that surrounds us in the jungle. As we ascend the mountain, we are greeted with earth and it’s inhabitants, and by that, I mean underbrush creatures, large and small. In digging in and scurrying up this mountain in all it’s wonder and amazing canyons, lakes, rivers, volcanic activity, weather changes, sudden storms and all that intercedes our lives, we are found on the mountain jungle, deep in the wooded clear and pure woods. We are adventurers in discovery. It is a challenge we are up to. We take risks. We climb, crawl, walk, run and lie in rest, going up this huge volcanic mountain.

The remaining forest of the BVNP plays host to numerous species of flora and fauna, while the freshwater ecosystem is intriguing and underexplored. Research needs to be expanded here. There is much to be learned. Explorers, where are you?

As some claim, this protected area is the “Little Switzerland” of the Bicol Region. Having never been to Switzerland, I can’t relate well to what locals and international travelers local say about this peaceful, natural and beautiful place, located about 680 kilometers south of Metro Manila. “Little Switzerland” is a beautiful, lovely and mesmerizing playground to the red hatted gnomes that certainly, and absolutely must, live here in the thickets, brambles and bushes. I can’t say for sure, but I think I saw some of the little men hiding behind a big leaf. Maybe it was just the shadows… that wore red hats and were tiny men with long beards and were heard giggling as they scampered away. Maybe it was just the spirits of the mountain entertaining me and my senses. Maybe it was just the wind. Maybe just my imagination. Maybe they didn’t really rob me of my cigarette lighter that I know was in my pocket when I laid down to rest. Maybe they don’t even exist. Maybe.

The cool, refreshing, and tranquil Bulusan Lake is the place for recreation when visiting the Bicol Region. One can toss aside their cares, no worries, no hurry, just calm, tranquil, pristine surroundings. Hear your heart beat here.

Tranquil, until Mother Nature takes over and then, she explodes with giant plumes of billowing smoke, reflecting the awesome and majestic powerful energy of the Earth. The volcanic eruptions are frequent and violent. Unleashed power. Unbridled release. Unbelievable in awestruck awakening!

She knows as we know, when we attempt to climb this mountain, she is the boss and we are privileged individuals to get to do the work to master her heights, valleys, ridges, cliffs, rapids, molten magma and flowing lava. Craters in this monster loom like giant stone walled buildings in the sheer magnificence of their height. We crawl past the edge of giant deep cliffs to get where we are going. We are going up this mountain. We swim across rapidly flowing streams, we risk life and limb in this harsh jungle environment. We are weak and it is strong. We are fortunate and grateful for the opportunity to experience the great outdoors in all her glory like this. She is alive and active!

As we reach the summit after so much toil and anticipation, exhausted, we slip our gear packs off and stand at the very peak. As we shout out joy across the canyon, she blows right beneath our feet sending us soaring into the heavens in a cloud of volcanic dust. We become one with the universe very quickly and after this amazing feat of nature. She calms back down and relaxes. Meanwhile we are cosmic stardust once again. From where we came, we return. The volcano triumphs over man and land. She dominates the landscape and has the ability to change the footing we have in an instant, relentless in her explosion, unlimited in her expression, vibrating at a special frequency, she blows and man stands back or gets consumed. We were consumed. We are now part of the energy that keeps expanding in waves that traverse the universe. Suddenly, she is still. Suddenly, we are still. Suddenly, we realize that she may come and go as she wishes, and of that, we should take special note and reservation to her majestic awesome and unexpected furor. We should respect the mountain. We should respect ourselves. We should be connected with the volcano. We should be at one with our universe.

The Bulusan Volcano Natural Park in Bicol

is the perfect place to begin and end. See you soon!



steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot