Yellow Fellow

steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store
Published in
1 min readJun 19, 2017

By Steve Wardrip

Dance baby! Dance, dance, dance.
Face the music! Get in a trance!

Sweet! Dream and sleep in bed,
Get this crazy motion out of your head.

Nice warm colors, artwork that’s mellow,
Snuggle up close, honey, see my yellow?

Slip off your shoes, be a wild and free banana,
It’s exciting, fresh, ripe and new, not polyana.

Take a chance, peel off into romance,
Bananas don’t have zippers like your pants.

Nanner Nanner Pudding, my golden delight,
Your skin was thick and soft, you smelled good, alright!

I loved the way you lay there, relaxed,
My love for you was slippery as wax.

I was a fruit of distinction, a firm banana,
And you went and ran away with a Lime to Havana!



steve wardrip
Pinetop Camp Store

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot