Today we’re releasing an update to our Transaction Monitoring service with which we aim to give our customers a better overall experience. So let’s tell you about what changes you can expect to find in your Pingdom dashboard…
Test in Google Chrome
First things first: we are introducing Google Chrome to run the tests in your Transaction Monitoring. As the world’s most popular browser¹, we chose it to better simulate an environment that’s closer to how your actual visitors experience your site.
More test locations
We’ve also made changes to the test locations available to you to monitor from: the USA test location has been split into two server clusters: ‘US East’ and ‘US West’ allowing you to be more specific with where you test your site’s interactions from, and we have also added a new server cluster in Australia!
Better script editing
On top of all of this, we’ve made improvements to the script editor for increased stability and a whole host of more autocomplete script commands to make interaction-script building even easier!
We’ve made other, smaller improvements to the script editor as well, such as making erroneous commands red for quick identification. So why not have a tinker in your Pingdom dashboard and check out the features for yourself?
If you have a website, chances are your visitors are interacting with it by logging in, searching or maybe even buying something nice. In order to make sure these complex interactions are working, set yourself up with Transaction Monitoring and make sure if something happens, you’re the first to know.