These Lost-and-Found QR Stickers Allow People to Return Your Lost Items!

Amir Khella
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2021
Lost-and-found QR code sticker

I was recently hiking my favorite trail in Los Angeles when I noticed a shiny white object on the ground.

I picked it up, and it was an AirPods charging case.

Obviously, it fell out of someone’s pocket while hiking.

I continued hiking up the trail, and whenever I ran into someone, I asked them if they had lost something, but they all shook their heads.

A replacement case would cost around $50, so I assumed that whoever lost it will likely be looking for it.

There was no park ranger’s office, and no lost-and-found bin, so I took it home and posted about it on CraigsList and Facebook’s Lost & Found groups.

But then I thought: how would the owner know where to look?

A few minutes later, I was emptying my pockets to change when I took out my own AirPods case and held it in my hand.

It was almost identical to the one I just found, with one small distinction: there was a small sticker on it with a QR code that people can scan to reach me if I ever lose it.

Those stickers cost less than 50 cents each and will also save you the cost of replacing your AirPods if you ever lose them.

And your AirPods are not the item that needs a PINGTAG on it.

You should also have one on your phone, in case you lose it or misplace it.

And a couple more on your laptop and tablet, or those loaned to you by your company while you’re working remotely, in case you forget it on the train or at a coffee shop.

Your DSLR camera and your portable electronics all need PINGTAGs on them.

And so do your credit cards and debit cards, in case you forget one of them at a restaurant or at a gas station.

I even have a PINGTAG sticker on my dog’s tag!

These lost-and-found QR code sticker sheets comes with 18 self-adhesive waterproof stickers that will probably save you hundreds of dollars future.

And they work like magic: as soon as you peel one and stick it on one of your valuables, that device becomes privately linked to your phone number, so you can be reached any time someone finds it, without revealing your phone number to anyone.

Lost and found QR code stickers

If you haven’t ordered your sticker sheet, get it here.

And if you have already received yours, using them is pretty simple: stick it, scan it, and name it.

And voila!

Any item that has a PINGTAG sticker attached to it becomes privately linked to your phone, and anyone who finds that item can chat with you without ever knowing your number!

You will love those stickers, and you will be attaching a PINGTAG on everything that you own!



Amir Khella

Entrepreneur, product designer, and consultant. Helped 15 startups design+launch (5 acquired). Founder of Keynotopia and Augmentop. 100K+ customers.