Adventures in AI, Automation, and Crypto: Join Me on the Journey

Pinguin’s Thoughts
4 min readJan 26, 2024


Key Points

  • Tech-Driven Creativity: Kyle, an AI and automation expert, illustrates how technology enhances creativity through automation and innovative tools.
  • Multimedia Exploration: Kyle ventures into video creation to harness the power of visual storytelling, using automation to enrich his content.
  • Passionate Innovation: His deep passion for cryptocurrency and technology drives his commitment to staying adaptable and innovative in these rapidly evolving fields.

Join me on a journey into the world of AI, automation, and cryptocurrency as we explore exciting developments and innovations. I’m Kyle, an AI and automation expert, and in this blog, I’ll provide updates on my recent projects and interests.

From content generation and creative workflows to the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, we’ll navigate through these topics with a commitment to making complex ideas accessible.

Together, we’ll discover the potential of technology, the power of automation, and the thrilling future that lies ahead.

Exploring Creating Content

I’ve always loved creating stuff, like stories and ideas, with words. But turning these dreams into reality used to seem really boring and time-consuming.

The Power of LLMs

Luckily, thanks to improvements in computers, we can now quickly work with text and make it better, almost like a human editing it.

Tools I Use: Making My Creative Work Easier

In my daily work, I rely on some important tools that help me a lot:

  1. Custom Python Scripts: These special computer programs are like the backbone of my work, helping me handle and process data with care.
  2. Scrapebox: It’s a strong tool that helps me gather useful information from the internet quickly.
  3. Trello: Trello helps me organize my tasks well, making sure I don’t forget anything important.
  4. If This Then That (IFTTT): This is like magic that makes some things happen on their own, saving me time and effort.
  5. RSS Feeds: These are like treasure chests of information that keep me updated about what’s happening in the digital world.
  6. ChatGPT: OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a big help in creating content and having conversations, making my work better.

These tools not only make my work smoother but also mix technology and creativity, making my creative journey more fun.

See it in action here:

Dreaming of Automated Blogging and Trying Video Making

I always wanted to make a system that writes blogs automatically, using what I know about text. I’m good at content with words, but I also wanted to try something new.

I noticed that telling stories using videos is becoming more important. So, I’m learning how to make videos and using some computer tricks to make it faster.

These days, I’m blending my writing skills with video-making skills to reach people in different ways. This way, people who follow my journey can enjoy my content with both text and videos.

Gary Vaynerchuck says self-awareness is key, so while I want to do more video production work, I am going to maximize my text output.

Being More Creative with a News Bot System

Creating a smart news bot system has been a game-changer for me. It doesn’t just give me more free time; it also makes my writing better.

My Passion for Automation and AI

Besides writing and using computers, I’m really passionate about cryptocurrency and technology. It’s not just a job; it’s something I really love, and it inspires me.

Why Crypto Is Exciting

Getting into the world of cryptocurrency, with its ever-changing ways and big possibilities, gives me new ideas and energy. It’s not just a hobby; it’s a big part of what I do, and it adds excitement to my work.

Looking Ahead with Dedication

This passion keeps me exploring new things and pushing the limits of what’s possible. It also connects me with others who feel the same way and keeps me ready for changes in cryptocurrency and technology.

I’m committed to the future, knowing that together, we can make it bright and exciting.

Navigating the Fourth Industrial Revolution and AI in Crypto

We’re now in the middle of a big change in how things work, called the fourth industrial revolution.

It’s going to change our world a lot by 2030.

This change isn’t just happening in one place; it’s part of big plans all around the world. So, keeping up with new ideas and inventions is really important.

My Journey in AI

In my own journey, I’m focused on learning about Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s a way to do smart things with computers, and it’s a big deal in cryptocurrency.

AI for More Innovation

As we move forward, it’s clear that AI is going to be a big part of making new things and changing different industries. My goal is to use AI to be more creative and successful in the exciting world of cryptocurrency.

A Promise to Keep Learning

This isn’t just a job for me; it’s a promise to keep learning and being part of the story of technology. I want to be where AI and cryptocurrency come together, where there are exciting opportunities and a chance to make the future better.

Let’s Go on This Journey Together

We’re on an exciting journey into the world of change. I invite you to follow along as we explore this dynamic world full of opportunities.

If you like what you see, please share it with others. Together, we can spread the word and discover what technology has to offer.



Pinguin’s Thoughts

Focusing on Self Awareness & Self Development Through Technology