5 Common Misconceptions About Socialism

Clearing up some common misinterpretations of what socialism actually is.

Emma Boudreau
pink balloon


Photo by John McArthur on Unsplash


As many of my readers are likely aware, I am a libertarian socialist. I also happen to live in the United States, and be a registered member of the U.S. Socialist party. In a lot of ways, socialism — and even socialist policies have become an incredibly controversial topic in the United States, and in a lot of ways the propaganda against these policies has dismissed these policies from the mind of many. All too often whenever we talk about socialism, or even democratic socialism, we end up debating things that are not socialism.

This can be incredibly frustrating, as it is hard to argue a policy from a default information level if the other person involved with the debate’s information is entirely different to yours. I want to stress that, at least in my opinion, the economic system means nothing. However, if your economic system promotes things like inequality and requires poverty to function correctly, then I think there are a lot of valid criticisms that could be made. I also think that we should question any system that does such things, and do our best to fix these things.

Some counter-arguments

