Transphobia Turned Into Intersexphobia

The transphobes are approaching from a new angle, and somehow it is even worse.

Emma Boudreau
pink balloon



For the uninitiated, the 2020s have been a terrible decade for transgender people. I guess it has been a terrible decade for humanity in general, but in this case I am specifically referring to the sharp rise in transphobia that has occurred in a very short period of time beginning in 2020 and continuing today. 2021 was the deadliest year in recorded history for transgender people. Discrimination has also been on the rise, and inevitably with this have come political narratives. One narrative that has seemingly suddenly appeared, at least anecdotally — into my internet experience, is the idea that intersex people are fervently male or female.

In one way or another, transphobia has become such a hot issue that people are now viewing Differences in Sexual Development differently. There are a number of narratives about intersex people that are being spread with the primary intention of harming the transgender (yes, transgender not intersex) community.

  1. Sex is not a spectrum.
  2. Being intersex is a disorder.
  3. Every human can be defined by two different sex conditions. Intersex people are male or female.

