Lord Krishna’s Teachings for Better Control over the Mind

Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2022


Image by Noupload from Pixabay

I’m often asked by my tarot clients, “Why did I do better at work last year… Or, why am I not able to make the same revenue this year.”

To say that, this year has been a slow year economically, is an understatement. But should it bog you down, and prevent you from pushing yourself to go out there, and get more business?

Failure, or any sort of dejection, can weigh one down.

But, the feeling of something not being the “same”, is largely a function of the mind. It arises from the fact that we compare one state of being to another, and desire the more favourable one.

Desire though prevents us from seeing things the way they are, and acting in the present.

Is it all a mind game then, and can the mind really push you toward or pull you away from achieving your optimum potential?

If so, is it not then in the power of the mind itself to shut out those external circumstances, and help you focus on the task at hand?

Whenever I get into a funk, and need to be pulled back into action — and gain greater control over my drifting mind — I pick up my most favourite text and motivator, the Bhagavad Gita.



Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra

I write because it's my passion, because I sometimes make money from it, but mostly because it helps me connect with myself, others & comprehend life better!