The A-Z of Finding Complete Love

Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra
Published in
7 min readMar 18, 2018


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Ultimately we all seek love.

Love from the other, love from ourselves, love from the gods.

Love to sustain us, love to express ourselves, love to expand ourselves, and transform us into greater beings.

But love always comes with its fair share of obstacles.

It tries us, tests us, destroys us, and then creates us once again.

In our journey of seeking and experiencing love, we fall and rise, and fall and rise… And learn many lessons on the way.

But if we keep in mind a few essential concepts, we may just realise the truth of love faster.

Listed below are some ideas that may bring you closer to love, and help you completely immerse yourself in the feeling…

A — Acceptance

The first step to love is acceptance… Acceptance of yourself, acceptance of the other, and acceptance of a supreme being greater than yourself — safe in the knowledge that your passage will be taken care of. When you accept that your life is in better and safer hands, the journey toward love becomes easier.

B — Being

Love is about being with yourself, being with the moment, being yourself, and allowing the people and world around you to be the way they are too. As you…



Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra

I write because it's my passion, because I sometimes make money from it, but mostly because it helps me connect with myself, others & comprehend life better!