This Is What We All Seek…

Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I watched the recently released Hindi movie Bala. A movie which deals with the issue of premature balding faced by a guy in his 20s.

Bala, also the protagonist’s name, tries every remedy in the book to grow more hair…and, when nothing works, he resorts to using a wig.

He then falls in love and through a comedy of errors fails to tell his ladylove the truth. She comes to know of him being bald only a day after the marriage, and decides to part ways as she feels betrayed.

Bala’s dreams are shattered, till such a time as when one of his schoolmates shows him the mirror of self-acceptance and self-love.

Bala eventually leaves his job of marketing beauty products, gives up on the failed marriage, and turns into a successful stand-up comic who creates awareness on the issue of body shaming in society.

Sorry if this was a movie spoiler, but I couldn’t have set the background otherwise :)

Cut to my Monday, at the city ashram — Everyday, we have a ritual at the end of our yoga class, where we open our arms wide, wrap them around us, and hug ourselves, saying — ‘I love myself.’

A beautiful practice that reminds you that all you need is the ability to love yourself.

If we do this practice at the start of the day, imagine how much better we will feel when we go out into the world — bent on making us feel insecure, every step of the way?

Over a period of time, we will stop seeking approval or love from the outside world… Instead, we will shower ourselves with that love and acceptance, feeling more secure and complete within.

Self-acceptance and self-love are the keys to self transformation.

They may be underrated — and even ignored — in a digital world, where everything is done for Instagram or Facebook, but they are essential for emotional well-being.

The more you look inward, finding love and acceptance within, the less will transient material aspects affect your life and emotions.

You will feel complete just the way you are.

And, at such times the comic in you will surface...

You will no longer take what people or ‘society’ say seriously…. In fact, you will laugh it off, knowing that your balding or greying hair, your not-so-perfect abs and biceps, are not the real or whole you…

They are just abstractions and distractions, taking you away from the real ‘you’— the one filled with unconditional, selfless and complete love…

A love which should first be directed inward and then outward, a love that should first embrace yourself before you embrace another…

So, hug yourself everyday, and love yourself abundantly… there is no one more important in your life than you.

Go ahead then— accept yourself, heal yourself, grow yourself, and celebrate yourself!

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Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra

I write because it's my passion, because I sometimes make money from it, but mostly because it helps me connect with myself, others & comprehend life better!