When Creativity becomes Meditation

Creative expression often emerges from deep silence and stillness, a state also achieved by meditation

Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra
3 min readFeb 8, 2021


It’s in deep silence that all meditation begins… In complete stillness, when the mind becomes an empty container, willing to receive everything that comes its way.

As a writer too, I almost always never start with an idea in mind, perhaps just a vague thought… I simply allow the mind to receive and the hands to key in whatever comes naturally.

Sometimes the messages make sense… They stay, they provide insight. Sometimes they bring up old memories, or experiences, or the wisdom gained as a result of both.

At other times, the message is not very clear… A faint one, that still needs to take shape… And it’s perhaps hazy because the mind itself is blurred.

Just like meditation, creativity too reflects your state of mind — Is it open and receptive, or is it full of its own ideas?

The more open you are to new ideas entering you, the more creative will your work be.

And, for the mind to be flexible, it needs space… It needs to be decluttered.

The mind needs moments of active relaxation, where you consciously let go of unnecessary mental chatter, that prevents you from experiencing the here and now.

As a meditator, I hardly ever hold onto an object or subject of meditation… I prefer to follow the thoughts in my mind, and watch them drop away…till such a time as an empty space is created where nothing exists.

It’s in the state of nothingness that revelations occur — about oneself, the world we live in, and our responses to it.

Meditation is thus only a means to bring you closer to yourself, your true self… It is a tool to help you connect with what you wish to pursue and what you wish to let go of.

After such a meditation, I feel whole again, ready to face the day, ready to reconnect with the world.

The consequent expression of such meditation, or writing, is almost always a truthful one — one that resonates deep within and with others too.

Because, what you hear in the silence of meditation is a message that was waiting to unfold…and, while that message could benefit you, it could benefit others too.

Because, in the great warp and weft of the world we are all connected… What we do or think impacts the thoughts and actions of others too.

This is exactly what makes creative expression so essential to our lives...

In all its artifice and adherence to form, at the very core of creativity, lies its ability to connect us to who we are — our dreams, desires, and even our darker side!

But, most importantly, creativity connects us to the idea that we are all one — emerging from one source and returning to the same source.

What happens in between is life, and how we live that life is completely our choice, driven by free will…

Perhaps, determined by the waves of time and circumstance, but almost always determined by our own ability to create and manifest what we want.

As a meditator, you soon realise that the Divine and you must unite, sooner than later…

As a creative too, the ultimate goal is for you to completely immerse yourself in your creation, where what you create becomes who you are, and you, in turn, become what you create.

The union in either case is always the same — an egoless empty and still state, devoid of any desires other than the desire for union.

A union so complete, that whatever emerges from it will always be filled with purity, devotion and deep love.

Creativity that evokes peace and love creates more peace and love, within us and around us.

But first you need to surrender — surrender what you know, surrender what you have, and surrender to what you receive.

In complete surrender you will find your peace, in complete surrender you will create your masterpiece!

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Ritika (Bajaj) Lalwani
Pink Pinjra

I write because it's my passion, because I sometimes make money from it, but mostly because it helps me connect with myself, others & comprehend life better!