Pink Taxi ICO — A Unique Way to safeguard your journey

Pink Taxi Group Ltd. UK
Pink Taxi
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2018

The right way to achieve women empowerment is through letting them get more power and equipping them with the options to empower themselves so that they can take complete control over their lives. Pink Taxi ICO is aimed at exactly that goal. How does it achieve it? Let us check them out in a concise detail.

Pink Taxi ICO — The Concept

Pink Taxi as a concept launched in 2006. Ever since it was introduced as a means of safer transportation for the women, it has received a wider recognition. The introduction of Pink Taxi services in around 18 countries around the world should stand as a proof to the impact that the concept has had.

It would be interesting to note that the Pink Taxi ICO has gained a backing from the likes of Mr. John McAfee. As is a well-known fact, he has been someone who has been a staunch supporter of cryptocurrency revolution. He has backed the initiative from Pink Taxi and termed it to be a revolutionary concept in turning women empowered in a male-dominated society. You can check out his views through this video clip where he talks about Blockchain technology and Pink Taxi revolution –

The Benefits of Pink Taxi

Well, Pink Taxi has been a successful endeavor in almost all major regions of the world. In fact, it is the vision of Pink Taxi that looks ahead to make your day to day travels more secure and comfortable. It makes use of the Blockchain technology for the purpose, making it the first Blockchain Taxi revolution.

A few beneficial aspects of Pink taxi include -

● Standardisation is the key to any successful venture. Pink Taxi sets new trends in taxi industry through authorized drivers and vehicles.

● It aims at removing the obstacles and worrisome situations that affect women in today’s transportation scenario. If you are woman attending colleges/ institutions, offices or shopping — you will find that Pink Taxi offers you a respite from all that you are likely to go through.

● Pink Taxi is all about women empowerment. The service is basically meant to be run by women and for the women. This will go a long way in building a stronger economy and help women enhance the quality of their life along with that of their family and community.

Pink Taxi looks forward to becoming a clear leader in the arena of empowering women. They have been working with the governments around the world to achieve this goal.

The Parting Words

Pink Taxi is indeed a revolution and we would consider it to be an excellent avenue towards women empowerment. It has received a widespread recognition and in a way, inspired a few other similar schemes to come up in support of enhancing the quality of life for women. Needless to say, the effect of the luminaries like John McAfee in making it a driving force behind every downtrodden woman in becoming self-reliant in her own right.

If Pink Taxi and such initiatives succeed in redefining the women empowerment at least to a fraction, it would be a mission accomplished and act as a stepping stone towards more developments in the genre.

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Pink Taxi Group Ltd. UK
Pink Taxi

Pink Taxi's vision is to make regular day-to-day travelling less complex and more comfortable, using high tech technology & innovative solution; Blockchain!