Pink Taxi revolution A True Women

Pink Taxi Group Ltd. UK
Pink Taxi
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2018

Pink Taxi has been established as a means to empower women. In fact, they do have a vision for the world at large and has developed a plan for the empowerment of the women so that they can make their own contribution to the world economic situation. How does Pink Taxi plan to achieve it? Let us check it out in the following paragraphs.

Pink Taxi — A Revolutionary Concept

Pink Taxi indeed has a global presence. Right from the Arabian countries to the South Asian regions to South American and European nations — they operate in around 18 countries worldwide.

The Pink Taxi service works through the use of mobile applications. With over 100,000 application downloads and services to over 700,000 passengers on a daily basis, it has been one of the prominent players in the taxi industry. The service has a plan to expand further and has plans to expand to over 30 million passengers per year by the year 2020.

Pink Taxi revolution would run through the use of Blockchain technology. The world’s first Blockchain Taxi is set to solve the issues being faced by the women passengers around the globe and offers a safe option for them to travel safely. A service run by the women and for the women, Pink Taxi is an attempt at streamlining the hitherto unmanaged taxi industry.

The Basic Features of Pink Taxi

Well, Pink Taxi is a revolutionary step towards changing the face of the taxi industry. It works on a Blockchain based technology to create a database so that the services of the company can be managed in a proper way. This will do away the tainted image that the taxi industry normally goes through.

Some of the salient features of the service include –

Ride Sharing app — This is the concept that has already been working in other taxi services worldwide. However, Pink Taxi brings a proactive approach to this time-tested formula. The concept works through a professional standard mobile app that helps both the drivers and passengers simultaneously.

Pick And Drop Services — If your office employs a lot of women employees, Pink Taxi can be your best bet. The service operates pick and drop services from specific locations, at predefined times and specific days. You can work out a partnership with Pink Taxi and resolve your issues right away.

Advertisements — This is yet another option Pink Taxi helps its workforce improve their income options. Since the service operates on an “Operated By Women — For Women” approach, there could be a little loss of revenue due to this selective option. Indoor and outdoor livery ads are a couple of options that would help the drivers maximize their revenue.

The Pink Taxi should be what is set to bring a huge changeover in making women empowered. It has already received a backing from global luminaries. One such prime support that Pink Taxi has been able to get is from Mr. John McAfee who has been a die-hard Cryptocurrency supporter. In fact, he considers Pink Taxi to be a saving grace to the women empowerment in a male-dominated society.

You can check out his tweet in proof of his support for Pink Taxi –

The Parting Thoughts

Pink Taxi has been operational since 2006 and has received a wide spread accolades for what it is set to achieve. We would definitely foresee a successful future ahead for the enterprise. The fact that it has people like Mr. McAfee supporting it and working with them as an advisor should be a proof enough for their capabilities.

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Pink Taxi Group Ltd. UK
Pink Taxi

Pink Taxi's vision is to make regular day-to-day travelling less complex and more comfortable, using high tech technology & innovative solution; Blockchain!