How does society evolve

Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2015

10 August 2015

So I was thinking: how does society evolve and, in our eyes, improve? Back in the day, and still now, many people were/are against homosexuality, gender fluidity, different races, different genders, abortion, etc. etc. At what point did someone just decide, ‘Oh, maybe that’s actually really stupid, and I should just chill out.’ It’s odd to think that at some point, not even more than 100 years ago, girls going to school was irregular (and in many places, still is). The question I have is how did acceptance arise? Why is it that it takes time. I believe that society is moving forward in many ways but, if we are right, why couldn’t we have been right 50 years ago? Why did it have to take so many generations for people to realize that they don’t actually have to give a shit about other people’s business or that females can — lo and behold — be just as intelligent as males. I guess in a way I’m asking a stupid question: It’s like I’m asking why couldn’t the smartphone have been invented 200 years ago. Yet, at the same time, I’m not really asking that because a smart phone isn’t simple; human thought isn’t simple either, but it’s simple enough to understand that what other people do in their personal lives, how they were born, or who they were born as doesn’t give you the right to harm them. How deranged must a person be to comment on someone’s post on YouTube and say, to the effect of, “Why don’t you switch your brain with a guy’s so you won’t be as stupid,” but in a much more derogatory fashion (I know). I just don’t understand. I guess I could be “not right”, but how does society know what is actually “right”. I don’t care if some random person hates gay people just like how I don’t care if some random person hates me (though that’s a lie, I probably would care if someone hated me if only to find out why). I know I’m never going to agree with everyone in the world; that’s just how life is. Anyone can think whatever the hell they want as long as they aren’t doing stupid shit because of it, but I digress. What I wanted to say was that I think the world is weird. People are weird. The fact Adam Lambert didn’t win American Idol is weird.

People had said that society took a big step when Barack Obama was elected. Why did that step have to be taken. Why couldn’t it just be. Why did (the majority of) white people have to believe that black people are inferior. What, because white people were arrogant? Why did men have to believe that women are inferior? Because men were arrogant? Why did heterosexuals have to believe that homosexuals are inferior? Because heterosexuals were arrogant? Why must have all these people have to have been arrogant? Because we’re human? And why did the generations that followed slowly decide that the past ideals were wrong? On a side note, though I am writing in what seems to be a strictly past-future absolute sense, I recognize that many people still are aligned with those past ideals. It’s just — what made us change our minds? If it was simply that we just suddenly realized we were being ignorant bigots, why did it take so long for us to realize? It’s not like some huge change had occurred that would have warranted an outcry. There had always been females. There had always been homosexuals. There had always been multiple races. Just what is the big deal here? Why did/do people care so damn much about stupid things that they decide they have to hurt and oppress others.

