Two Sides of a Coin

Published in
1 min readSep 14, 2014

14 September 2014

I find myself always second guessing my ideals. It’s not like I’m not sure of what I believe in, it’s just that I always wonder if it’s fair. I always think of what the other person’s perspective might be. But when I don’t see their reasoning, that’s that. Like I just don’t understand why people don’t allow same-sex marriage. I do know many of their arguments, and I do know many of my arguments (obviously), but in the end why do they even matter. Why do these arguments even matter because why does everyone give so many shits about these two people who love each other getting married. I just don’t understand. What is it to you that some people are getting married. It’s not like you were invited, and if you were you don’t even have to go. It has no impact on your life. And if it does, I would like to know what that impact even is. I swear even if God did exist (I’m treading dangerous grounds here) and He did bring about judgement day or some shit, why would you be worried. Why would you, who doesn’t support what he supposedly believes is a sin, be negatively judged upon. It’s just shocking how many people in the world are butt-hurt about this. Just grow up and live and let live.

I wonder a lot: if what’s right is subjective and it’s just what we personally think is correct, what is really right.

