Advancing multi-chain DeFi with our esteemed partner — Reef Finance

Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2021

Pinknode is reeling in more partnerships and has no intention of stopping anytime soon. We are glad to announce our latest partnership with Reef Finance. In a vast ocean of DeFi projects, Reef stands out for its ambition in pursuing cross-blockchain liquidity aggregation.

Introduction to Reef Finance

In the widely varied DeFi landscape, Reef Finance gives investors easy access to the most robust DeFi opportunities. By aggregating liquidity from both the centralised and decentralised realms, Reef Finance’s operating system gives users access to a wide variety of DeFi products across multiple blockchains. These include Ethereum, Avalanche, Polkadot and Cosmos. Additionally, Reef Finance’s native blockchain, Reef Finance Chain, was developed on Substrate and can be tailored to facilitate the creation of DeFi applications. Reef Finance Chain is getting ready for deployment soon and will utilise Pinknode’s secure and reliable API endpoints to fulfil its infrastructural needs.

Partnership with Pinknode

As Reef Finance’s appointed key node provider, Pinknode will provide them with network access to Polkadot via Pinknode’s API endpoints. Reef Finance will be using an atomic bridge for asset trading on Polkadot and this is where Pinknode will be stepping in to fulfil the role of a proprietary node service with high throughput and low latency. Additionally, Pinknode will be operating Reef Finance’s nodes and offer its API endpoints to all their users working on futuristic DeFi dApps.

“The Reef Finance team is pleased to get the support of Pinknode and its node services that will not only enhance our user experience but will also greatly impact our journey to make DeFi easy for everyone. This support will take our efforts to help users in their DeFi operations to another level and help us achieve our platform goals.”

- Denko Manceski, Reef Finance, CEO

Pinknode is glad to be supporting Reef on its mission to create a comprehensive cross-chain DeFi solution. As collaborators, we are committed to the growth and progress towards greater cross-chain interoperability in the decentralised space.

“Pinknode’s team would like to say a big thank you to Reef Finance’s team for trusting us with the provision of node and API endpoint services to them and their users, this has been nothing short of amazing. We feel extremely privileged to be part of Reef Finance’s mission on becoming a multi-chain DeFi protocol. We are looking forward to achieving great things with them.”

- Eric Poh, Pinknode, CEO

About Pinknode

Pinknode is a Polkadot-only Infrastructure-as-a-Service project with the goal of accelerating adoption and empowering innovators to create on the most promising Web 3.0 meta protocol. By providing API endpoints through a streamlined onboarding process and maintaining secure, reliable and scalable node infrastructure, Pinknode helps innovators jumpstart development quickly and accelerates product life cycles.

If you want to know more about Pinknode, check out our website, follow us on Twitter, and join our Telegram to get in on the conversation.

