Enhancing Pinknode’s Network Architecture with StackOS

Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2021

Pinknode is announcing its latest partnership with StackOS. As a cross-chain open protocol, StackOS enables individuals and organizations to offer a decentralised cloud. Developers can deploy a wide range of full-stack applications, such as decentralised applications, private blockchain nets and even mainnet nodes swiftly and securely.

Pinknode’s Distributed Network Architecture

Utilizing StackOS distributed cloud service will enhance Pinknode’s reliability as a NaaS provider

Pinknode will be incorporating StackOS’ distributed and decentralized cloud services to run its Node-as-a-Service (NaaS) for the Polkadot’s ecosystem. By utilizing StackOS’decentralised cloud, Pinknode will strengthen critical parts of its network architecture, removing the threat of a single point of failure and enhancing its reliability as a node operator. As a result, developers and projects will enjoy DDOS-resistant, smooth, and cost-effective node deployment and operations.

Expanding our footprint

In the future, StackOS’ multitude of users and the blockchain community will launch multi-featured Pinknode nodes from the StackOS marketplace, allowing instant deployment and benefiting low latency and high throughput of Pinknode’s middleware solutions.

Pinknode is looking forward to embracing decentralisation with the help of StackOS’ open protocol, bringing Pinknode one step closer to the realisation of Web 3.0 on the Polkadot blockchain.

About StackOS

StackOS is a cross-chain open protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share their computing resources and collectively offer a decentralized cloud. It enables developers around the world to deploy any full-stack application, decentralized app, blockchain private nets, and main net nodes.

We aim to provide the world with “The Unstoppable Infrastructure Protocol,” which will allow any person across the world to deploy their application without incurring heavy cloud management costs and freely run any application they wish to run. StackOS furthermore intends to help brick-and-mortar businesses around the globe to go online cost-effectively and securely with minimal technical overhead.

StackOS has already gained heavy early traction from the market and is soon preparing to launch its native STACK token on the mainnet for the general public to use and govern.

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About Pinknode

Pinknode is a Polkadot-only Infrastructure-as-a-Service project with the goal of accelerating adoption and empowering innovators to create on the most promising Web 3.0 meta protocol. By providing API endpoints through a streamlined onboarding process and maintaining secure, reliable and scalable node infrastructure, Pinknode helps innovators jumpstart development quickly and accelerates product life cycles.

If you want to know more about Pinknode, check out our website, follow us on Twitter, and join our Telegram to get in on the conversation.

