Joining forces with the game-changing oracle protocol — Kylin Network

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3 min readJun 25, 2021

Pinknode will be partnering with Kylin Network, a revolutionary data platform which uses a universal oracle protocol to build a trustless, decentralised on-chain data store for off-chain data application.

While Kylin Network’s primary goal is to integrate its oracle with Polkadot’s protocol through a parachain to provide off-chain price data feed to enable a smooth and reliable DeFi experience, their ultimate goal to deliver true distinction is to enable its users to set up their own off-chain data bridge to Kylin, bringing a whole new world of possibilities.

On top of its core oracle service, Kylin also intends to provide a data analytics suite which combines tools used specifically for data warehouses and supplementing it with a data marketplace that facilitates data exchange and pricing in an open manner.

Bringing Scalable and Reliable Infrastructure to Kylin

Pinknode has been appointed to set up Polkadot API endpoints for Kylin and participate in running a full node to integrate its endpoints into Kylin’s oracles docker which will allow data providers to download a client and immediately jumpstart data feeds. Its secure and reliable architecture will ensure that maximum uptimes are maintained to deliver data to its users uninterrupted.

In light of the extensive number of use cases, Kylin’s considerable customer base will drive up traffic on Pinknode by indirectly interacting with its infrastructure.

“Adoption is a key piece of the puzzle. Without the the ready-made infrastructure that Pinknode will provide to easily start developing on Polkadot, we would find ourselves floundering as an ecosystem. And without access to developers seeking to incorporate on/off-chain data, there is no relevance to the infrastructure. It’s out of synergy and true need for the ecosystem as a whole that we form this strategic partnership.”

-Dylan Dewdney, CEO of Kylin Network

Pinknode finds huge synergies with Kylin Network, with both projects delving into the infrastructure space within the Polkadot ecosystem. Providing real-time on/off-chain data is a highly valued service for dApps, particularly in the DeFi space, and we are pleased to be providing enterprise-grade API solutions to enhance the accuracy and reliability of Kylin oracle network”

-Eric Poh, Co-Founder of Pinknode

About Pinknode

Pinknode is a Polkadot-only Infrastructure-as-a-Service project with the goal of accelerating adoption and empowering innovators to create on the most promising Web 3.0 meta protocol. By providing API endpoints through a streamlined onboarding process and maintaining secure, reliable and scalable node infrastructure, Pinknode helps innovators jumpstart development quickly and accelerates product life cycles.

About Kylin Network

Kylin Network aims to build a cross-chain platform powering the data economy on Polkadot. It will be the data infrastructure for the future DeFi and Web 3.0 powered by Polkadot. Kylin Network will provide valid, reliable, secure, cost-effective, and easily-coordinated data sources and data analytics.

Contact Kylin Network

