6 Most important things list for June

Pink Office
Pink Office
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2016

June can be intense. Or, it can be a time of lazing by the pool with out a care in the world…which is fine as long as you know when you’re going to work. Either way you’ve got to have a plan so you don’t regret June when July rolls around or dread June next May.

We’re already well into the month, so if you’ve already got a plan check it against these recommendations. If you don’t have a plan it’s not to late to make it happen!

Senior Director Stephanie Forbes of Wichita, Kansas, created a six most important list with goals in mind. Stephanie has been a director for 10 years and has been driving a free MK car the whole time! This girl is winning her first diamond ring from MK this seminar year in the Queens Court of (Personal) Sales. We’re super excited for her!

[caption id=”attachment_850" align=”alignnone” width=”300"]


This is the ring Stephanie will get for the Queens Court of Sales![/caption]

1. Follow up with PCP customers

2. Keep up (or get) bookings for June and on in to July (focus on either certain # of bookings or attempts each day)

3. Finish any seminar year end goals (sales/sharing)

4. Set goals for new seminar year by talking to other consultants who are where you want to be.

5. Get systems in place (if they’re not already)

6. Communicate new goals to customers and team members. (If you don’t have team, write out what your future team looks like — characteristics/qualities you value)

Senior Director Kim Loibl of Goddard, Kansas, has been a MK director for over 33 years and has been driving free for 27 years. This girl knows her stuff.

Her list is all about getting the job done.

1. Call customers who started on products in winter months to check and see if shade or formula changes need to be made.

2. Follow up with any prospects interviewed throughout the year.

3. Work on Having 10 appointments on books for July to JumpStart new Seminar Year.

4. Run a Special on Sun Products

5. Get 5 ladies to get 10 skin care survey cards filled out. Give hostess great gift for 10 filled out.

6. 24 faces in 24 hours. 4 time slots 6 ladies at each time or 8 ladies at 4 time slots!

Sheila McCune of Wichita, Kansas, has been a director for over 25 years and has been driving free ever since. She’s been in the Queens court of Sales and Sharing and has achieved the Circle of Excellence and has even been on top director trips. She shared some ideas about attitude that you can apply to your work all year long.

Sheila’s says to be sure you have clearly defined goals and to develop an action plan that states the number of appointments you will need to hold to reach those specific goals. Then, overbook. Always use a weekly plan sheet so that you can see where your time is going and when you might have extra time you could use more wisely. She recommends listening to positive CD’s from top directors and to always keep your attitude in check. Last, work like everything depended on you and pray like it all depends on God!

There you have it, three very different lists from three amazing directors. If you have any questions about how to create a plan and put it into action talk to your director. She would love to help you reach all your goals and see your dreams come true!

Thank you so much to the directors that shared! I know June is super busy for you and I am so thankful that you took the time to jot down your ideas for consultants across the country to use. You may never meet them and will likely not ever even know who reads these words. You are so GO GIVE!!!!



Pink Office
Pink Office

Pink Office provides a simple to use web & mobile app for Mary Kay® beauty consultants. Use it to track, analyze & report on inventory, customers and more!