Achieve PINK Success in 2012

Pink Office
Pink Office
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2012

We’ve come up with a few key principles that will help you succeed in business and enrich your life in the coming year!

Attitude is Everything

“If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right!” -Mary Kay Ash

While it may seem like a simple concept, having a positive outlook is HUGE when you own your own business. Your customers can sense your attitude and if you’re less than enthusiastic, you’ll have a hard time getting an audience, not to mention great sales numbers.

Your demeanor is especially important when recruiting new consultants. If women see you as successful, confident and enthusiastic they’ll be more apt to hear how Mary Kay can do the same for them!

Set Reasonable Goals

If your New Year’s resolution is to lose 10 or 15 pounds, typically you give yourself until bathing suit season to achieve the goal. If you need to lose 50 pounds, you may need to give yourself until the end of the year.

The same principle can be applied to your Mary Kay business. Set goals that stretch your comfort zone but aren’t so far out of reach that you’ll just want to give up. For example, if your goal is to recruit 10 new consultants in 2012, break it up into 2 or 3 each quarter. If you recruit 3 women in January but none in February, don’t be discouraged- you’re still well on your way!

Be Thankful

How often do you check the mail and find a hand addressed envelope? If you’re like most people, your mailbox is full of bills and credit card offers. In an age when most business is done via e-mail, set yourself apart by writing a thank you note and mailing it to a party host. You can also take this opportunity to remind them when their party will close or any other details you forgot to mention.

Give Back

Now that the holidays are over, charitable giving drops off significantly. USA Today reports that Americans give to charities during the holidays for two reasons. First, out of genuine goodwill and second, for a last minute tax write off.

Aside from these, there are plenty of other great reasons for you to give- the most important of which is to help others!

If you’re looking for an idea, we recently heard of a Mary Kay consultant who volunteered her time to give makeovers as a Valentine’s gift to residents of a battered women’s shelter. A local church helped pay for the supplies (at wholesale cost) and 12 women were given a chance to be pampered.

Give it a try, we bet you’ll find that being a blessing to other people is pretty rewarding!

Try one of these ideas? We’d love to hear from you. Find us on Twitter @PinkOffice.



Pink Office
Pink Office

Pink Office provides a simple to use web & mobile app for Mary Kay® beauty consultants. Use it to track, analyze & report on inventory, customers and more!