Back to school busy-ness

Pink Office
Pink Office
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2012

One of a mom’s busiest times of the year is back to school. You’ve got the shopping and the open houses, new schedules and sports and activity registration. There is just a lot going on. The trouble that faces many moms and teachers that have their own MK business is finding time to work in their appointments. Some ideas I’ve heard from directors in the past that help with this very issue are as follows.

1) Take samples with you every where you go and don’t hesitate to give them to people. Women really do enjoy a free sample. Don’t forget to get her name and number so that you can follow up in the future to see what she thinks.

2) This is the time to ramp up your internet sales. If you don’t have a site, get one! Tell all your friends and current customers about it. Social media is your friend. Be sure to use it to your advantage.

3) Take some time to sit down with your calendar and the schedule of your kids/loved ones activities and enter in all the dates that you absolutely cannot work. It would be terrible to schedule a party the same night as your son’s first football game. You don’t want to have to re-book. So know that ahead of time. That way you can give your clients choices, but make them YOUR choices.

Back to school can be difficult for your business, it could take a hit. But it doesn’t have to. If you manage your business and don’t put it on the back burner you can keep the flames burning. Always ask your director if you get stuck and are out of ideas of how to keep the bookings flowing. She is there to help. And remember to keep track of your inventory, sales and contacts in your account. You will be so thankful that you did when the dust settles.

What other ideas might you have to keep your business booming during back to school?



Pink Office
Pink Office

Pink Office provides a simple to use web & mobile app for Mary Kay® beauty consultants. Use it to track, analyze & report on inventory, customers and more!