REDs Sell

Pink Office
Pink Office
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2015

At Pink Office we try to stay focused on your customer business. We believe in the saying “Nothing happens until somebody sells something.” That is why you will find tools in Pink Office to track your customers, your sales and your inventory orders. But, there comes a time, when you know that in order to take it to the next level in your business, you will have to duplicate yourself. You know that you have found yourself a career opportunity like none other and you want to share that. You’ve set your goals high and keeping it to yourself would be a crime! (Plus, I know you’ve heard about the Red Prize Party at Seminar and you totally want to be there. You still have time!)

How does racing for RED change your selling business?


It should increase. When you are busy sharing the opportunity, don’t let your sales slip. Be sure you are still holding appointments where you will meet tons of new customers, new friends and new potential team members. Chances are your new team members want cash in her pocket today. What is the quickest way to do that? Sell. If she sees you selling, that will increase her chances of being a strong seller.

Keep good records. Record your income from each party on your weekly accomplishment sheet. Share those with your potential team members. (As you know, in Pink Office, when you enter your invoices your Weekly Accomplishment Sheet is automatically updated.) Also, record your expenses so that you can keep them low. Audit yourself and see where you can cut back (Maybe you should take your potential team members out for coffee, not lunch.) Don’t forget you’re in this to make MONEY! Also, enter your extra income into Pink Office so you’ll have a quick record of your commission checks to show your potential team members.

Racing to Red will be much easier when you’ve got your books filled will selling appointments where you will be introduced to new women who might just be your next team member. I once heard a saying, I’m sure it was from Mary Kay. “At every skin care class there is at least one new consultant.” Go to your parties with that in mind. It has always been a three step plan, book, sell, recruit. Ask your director for help and let her know that you’d like to be wearing red.

Let us know how it goes. Send pictures in your new RED JACKET and we’ll congratulate you on our Facebook page!

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Pink Office
Pink Office

Pink Office provides a simple to use web & mobile app for Mary Kay® beauty consultants. Use it to track, analyze & report on inventory, customers and more!