Wear what you sell, personal use

Pink Office
Pink Office
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2016

I know you are probably thinking that this is a no brainer. It is obvious that you should wear Mary Kay make up. You should use Mary Kay skin care. If you are a consultant there is with out a doubt no reason you should be doing anything other than having the full experience with the products you are sharing with others. But, from time to time, a consultant will give reasons why she thinks she doesn’t need to use Mary Kay.

Here are a few

  1. “I don’t want to use my inventory up.” If you aren’t using your inventory there is no way you can tell your customers, or potential customers about a particular product. If you haven’t experienced it for yourself you won’t be able to describe how light and fresh your skin feels, even after you apply all your make up. You won’t be able to tell them how you have seen your skin clear up or become better moisturized. You won’t have that personal relationship with the products and that will show through to your customers. Also, in addition, when you find your favorite eye shadow or lip color. You better stock up. You will sell those to every one you see. Once you truly love it that will resonate with your customer and they’ll want one too.
  2. “Mary Kay is expensive and I can’t afford it.” That my friend is one of the top ten reasons to be a consultant. You my dear reader are now a consultant and getting a fabulous discount. Don’t discount yourself or your “deserve” level by shorting your self on your product. I can’t say enough the more you use the more you’ll sell.
  3. “I don’t know what is best for me and I don’t want to waste anything.” Ok, have you heard of the 100% satisfaction guarantee. You are still a customer to yourself. If you happen to give yourself the wrong formula you can get that replaced. I mean…you can’t do that all the time and you’ve got to get it figured out, but you don’t HAVE to waste if something doesn’t work.

So, I hope if any of those excuses have been holding you back that you’ll go ahead and make the investment in yourself. You’ve got to be a walking Mary Kay model! Your business will thank you for it!

Also, don’t forget to enter all of your personal use products into Pink Office on an invoice to yourself. Follow these steps.



Pink Office
Pink Office

Pink Office provides a simple to use web & mobile app for Mary Kay® beauty consultants. Use it to track, analyze & report on inventory, customers and more!