From Believers to Achievers

Aileen Manahan-Victoria
Pinoy Infinite Thoughts
4 min readNov 12, 2019

An #NSPC2018 story

You don’t have to be phenomenal to make phenomenal things.

Our life is an unwritten book. As we craft it day by day, you need to be the star of your own story. As we all travel the pages, it is our failures, pain, hard work and perseverance that make the story worth telling.

Debacle. The road to success has never been easier. Campus journalism first opened its book cover for our Feature writing champ when he was in Grade 4. He first participated in Photojournalism and that was also the first time he encountered defeat. He actually didn’t mind it much because he was too young then, but he told himself to try again next time.

Distress. As his coach, I told him to participate in Feature Writing. I believed that he possesses the skills to write and have a big chance to win. Even when he was in doubt, he said yes. He grabbed the 7th place in the District level but failed again in EDDIS Level. But that failure failed to stop him to push himself more to do more.

Determination. In journalism, talent to write is not enough. You should have the valiant heart, mind, and soul to complete the elements of your masterpiece. This year, he gathered all the strength and unwavering power of positivity that this time he can make it to the nationals. But it looks like the plot of his story did not agree with him at first. He ranked 3rd in District Press Con and 8th in EDDIS which means his best wasn’t good enough.

It’s a tough battle but with faith and persistence, we trained harder, we tried harder. No holidays, no rest during Saturdays or Sundays — we only had training days. We inked down every lesson and it produced good results.

He dominated both the Division and Regional Level and earned the ticket to National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) held last February 19–23 in Dumaguete City.

Qualifying for NSPC and represent Region III felt so magical and overwhelming but at the same time, the pressure increased. Amid the frightening part, we were hungry for a national win and we wanted to leave an astounding and inspirational narration in the history of our town.

Though we grabbed the 1st place in RSPC, we didn’t want to be complacent for we know that we will be facing the giants from all over the country. We continued persevering; we buckled up and poured everything in the months of laborious training. There should be no room for exhaustion only room for improvement. We defied our limits.

As coach, we must teach, help, love, motivate and believe in their skills. Learn with them and support them to build the mission and advocacy to inspire and educate others through their words. Dream with them and be their stepping stone to chase that dream and make it real.


All we have is a dream that heroes can’t dream about.

I am just a child hoping to leave an inspiring mark on the page of the history of our community. I failed many times but those fiascos failed to let me down for it is just part of the process. It was heart ripping but it taught me to pick up the pieces and put myself back on track. It was nerve-wracking but all the pain and sacrifices were all worth it for they shaped who I am today. With the encouragement of my powerful coach, my motivator and my life-changer I hailed as a champion.

Campus journalism showed me something that cannot be taught inside the four walls of a classroom and it cannot be measured by medals, awards or any recognition. Laurels are merely bonuses; nevertheless, I’m thankful that I achieved them.

No matter how much sweat, blood, and tears I shed, I am more than willing to learn and be the megaphone of my fellow youth. Winning is just a dream for me and it came true.

To all young journalists, Congratulations, we all made it. Yes, our journey could hurt us but we can choose either run from it or learn from it. And as what Sir Rupert Laxamana or Kuya Pots, a legendary Feature Writing trainer once uttered, “Huwag magsawang magbasa at magsulat. Tandaan na nagsisimula ang lahat sa pangarap. Mangarap ka ng mas malaki pa sa pangarap ng iba”.

All we have is a dream that heroes can’t dream about. Dream on and make it happen for you. Don’t have to be phenomenal to make phenomenal things. This is just the beginning of my journey. This is our JOURNey.

I am Aileen M. Victoria, a school paper adviser.

I am Dann Emanuel Felipe, Champion, Feature Writing (English), NSPC 2018, Dumaguete City.

(This article was published on one of the leading Philippine Newspaper, Philippine Star, February 27, 2018. Dann Emanuel Felipe is the co-writer of this story.)

