Dipna Anand’s ‘Brilliant’ top-tips for PinStove Home Chefs

Baiju Mohamed
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2018

Last week we met up with Dipna Anand, award-winning celebrity chef and the author of “Beyond Brilliant.” Dipna is also co-owner of the family-run Brilliant restaurant group. Passionate about cooking and healthy food, her ‘Dip In’ videos on her social media channels not only showcase her fabulous recipes but show cooks how to create their own delectable Indian food.

Getting together with Dipna

You can imagine our delight when we found that we were to meet Dipna at the newly opened Dip In Brilliant eatery at Chelsea. We had so many questions to ask and were eager to learn from her family’s success, culinary art and inspirational journey, wanting to share it amongst the many aspiring home chefs joining the PinStove Mobile platform every day.

And our excitement was justified as the meal at the Dip in Brilliant was outstanding, tickling our taste-buds with very authentic and tasty Indian/Punjabi cuisine that represented the brand perfectly. As the creators of PinStove, we embrace every opportunity that we get to meet and speak with food industry experts and this one in particular was an absolute gem.

Dipna Anand with celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal, on the red carpet at The British Curry Awards 2016

Talking about PinStove

Dipna was very excited to hear about our vision to empower PinStove chefs within their own home kitchens to become successful businesses; we chatted about the opportunities and possibilities it creates, the success we have already experienced in India and started to bring to the UK and the amazing opportunities that are being delivered to families, enabling them to create extra income, move towards financial independence and the pride that they have, knowing that they are promoting healthy eating.

Dipna was very supportive and loved hearing our inspiring stories, asking many questions about the chef certifications and the processes we follow and was impressed to hear about the personal visit that we carry out for every chef that we on-board.

Dipna’s ‘Brilliant’ top-tips

She was very keen to provide some helpful tips for all of our members who are starting their business, so with no further delay, here are Dipna’s ‘Brilliant’ top tips for all of our PinStove home chefs!

1. Win your customers. You want them to keep coming back for more and the referrals and word of mouth testimonials they make can create really magical results, more valuable than any other forms of paid advertising. If a customer raises a concern, listen carefully and deal with it immediately and keep the customer happy. The old adage ‘The customer is always right’ is spot on; it’s all about building relationships with your customers and working to get them emotionally connected to the taste and experience that is on offer. If you are serious about growth, this is the way to do it.

2. Use social media to your advantage. Get into Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in particular as they all provide a wonderful way for you to build a food loving community around you and to showcase the great dishes that you cook. Whenever you complete a special dish, simply post the pictures on your page and you will instantly generate interest, inspiring you with confidence to list the food on the PinStove selling platform for social media followers to order.

3. Create a best dish or ‘Signature Dish’ and keep improving it. Your aim is to become the master of that dish and this way, customers are going to connect you to it automatically and recommend you to others that want to buy it.

The take-away

Having spent time with Dipna, we could see that her attention to detail, desire for perfection, endless innovation and relentless passion (combined with her constant hard work and careful time management) poured into every project was what made her so successful. Going forward, we hope to spend more time with Dipna, tapping into her inspiration and mastery of cooking and even inviting her to get involved with our home chef community events in the future. This way, her cooking tips, mastery lessons and recipes can be offered to every single one of our home chefs, providing them with exclusive benefits.

Going forward

Would you like to find out more about PinStove and get involved in the exciting world of cooking from home, as supported by Dipna? Then wait no longer!

The team at PinStove invites all home chefs, home bakers and home caterers to kick-start their business via our platform. FREE to join, it’s all about becoming a home chef with you in the driving seat; you decide which dishes to cook, prices to set and your availability. Delivery terms and distance are all based upon what is most convenient for you.

So what are you waiting for? Get started now by simply downloading the iPhone or Android app and joining with us on this exciting journey. Become part of the PinStove community now, join the world of authentic home-produced food and let’s get cooking together!

