Getting Started With Pinstripe

How to choose your tools and get your platform dashboard setup

James McNab
How to Hustle
4 min readApr 8, 2019


Pinstripe is currently in Beta and will be free for the length of the Beta.

The goal of this guide is to help you set up your first pinstripe project and pick the tools you’ll use to launch your idea.

The reality of what starting a company looks like now.

I’ve spent the past 10 years working closely with, for, and as a founder. By far the hardest part is staying organized. Many entrepreneurs can end up driving their teams crazy by not being able to keep things in some basic semblance of order.

That’s why I started working on Pinstripe. To help founders like you organize their suite of apps and enable you to combine, mix, and match these powerful tools from around the web to create your own custom digital platform. Think of Pinstripe as a wysiwyg web builder or like Lego for creating a digital platform your company.

Create Your Project

First things first, you’ll want to start by signing up for Pinstripe so that you can start to setup the tools for your custom platform.

After sign up you’ll be redirected to your dashboard

Next, select Create Project to start selecting your tools on your own. Next, name your project and you’ll be redirected back to your dashboard.

Please don’t name it Test or Test 1, 2, or 3. I’m begging you.

If you’re not sure what to name your project or how to get started with your idea, select Request Help and fill out the intake survey. We’ll reach out to you to set up a video call where we’ll walk you through setting up your project dashboard and give you product advice on how to build your idea.

Select Your Tools

Now you’ll want to start adding your tools to your project dashboard. Select the Add/Add Apps button to go to the apps selection screen. This is where you can browse and add the tools you’ll need.

After selecting the Add button you’ll be taken to the app collection screen

We’ve setup a simple system for you to select those tools by categories, but we’ve also organized them by the order you should setup those tools in.

To start you’ll probably want to select at least 1 domain site, 1 platform, and 1 or 2 audience websites. This is all you need to get your website running and start reaching out to customers.

This is the project selection screen. You’ll need to select a project to add the app to it.

To add a tool to your project dashboard, select the plus (+) beside the tool. You should see a pop-up where you can select the project you’d like to add the tool to.

Once you’ve selected a project, just hit add to project.

Once you’ve selected the project and hit the add to project button the pop-up should disappear and the tool should be added to your project. You can select the back to projects button or the Project tab in the top navigation bar to confirm that the tool is in your project dashboard.

Finishing Setup

Once you’ve selected the tools you need for your project, you can go back to your Projects screen.

My personal dashboard of tools. Pretty handy for skipping the login pages for a lot of apps too!

The last step is to start signing up for the tools you’ve selected. Once you’ve done that you should be able to keep your project page open in a tab.

Extra Tips

I’ve also found its pretty helpful to set it as the default tab in Chrome or Safari so that you can easily open your apps again, even if you change computers or devices.

There’s also a cool little easter egg for iPhone users. Some of your apps, like asana for example, will open up the default app on your phone if you select it from your pinstripe dashboard.

Pinstripe Roadmap

We’re currently working on creating a chrome extension that opens up your project dashboard every time you open a new tab so that your tools are always available.

We’re also working on making it easy for you to access tools across different accounts so that you can manage personal vs. work accounts or accounts for different freelance clients you might have. Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading. If you’d like to chat or need help with creating your project, just email our team at We’d be happy to give you a personal walkthrough of our service.



James McNab
How to Hustle

Design @ forethought. Formerly @ thistle. Side project Former lead UX Instructor @RedAcademy Toronto. OCAD Alum.