Group Management Made Easy with Pintact

Vishal Singh
Pintact Community
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2015

Have you tried merging Groups ? Deleting groups ? Removing and Adding members ? Keeping info accurate? If Yes, you know the annoyance of Group Management. With Pintact this is changing.

Have tried sending a mass text, email or other notification to a large group? If Yes you will find a savior in Pintact.

Rich Pintact Groups — See which one fits your needs.

  1. All to All (Auto-Connect)

Everyone in a meeting or group gets everyone’s contact information instantly. All members get connected to each other automatically.

This is extremely useful in a business meeting or conference scenario. Group leader creates a Group. Everyone joins the group by sharing their profile. All are connected to everyone and they are able to see everyone in their address book. It is useful in ad-hoc scenarios like sports club, meetings etc, where members already trust each other and know each other.

I attended a very good tech meet up and someone asked, if they could get everyone’s business card scanned on a large sheet of paper. It is this that All to All Groups on Pintact can accomplish easily.

This finds use case as an Employee Directory App For Businesses: The group administrator can create a “Moderated or Administrative” group, where they can review each request and approve to join the group.

2. Public Group, Everyone can see the list:

This type of group is like yellow pages and can be created as a resource to a public community.

Let’s say you want to create a list of all attorney’s in Princeton, NJ who specialize IP law or list of all the plumber in the are. Or you want to have a list of all neurosurgeons in Manhattan. You would create a Group and send invites to join and share their info.

Real-estate agents, service providers like insurance agents, financial planners, freelancers can join or curate such groups so that their information can easily discovered and used.

3. Private Group

Implies that Group owner can see all the members but members do not know who else is in the Group.

For example, owner of a child day care center needs to have up to date contact information of kid’s parents. Doctors needs to have up to date contact information of patients to follow up with them. Neither want it members to know each other information.

Likewise Professors psychological research need to manage contact info of participating candidates.

The important thing to note is that Group manager can view and use the up to date contact information of participants, but its members cannot see that info.

4. Member Only Group (manually Connect with members)

Members can see all other members in a Group but do not automatically connect to each other. They choose to CONNECT with other members of the Group selectively by choosing which profile to share.

This Group is ideal for large conferences or events with large attendee list., Not as intimate as a small business meeting, but still everyone finds it useful to see who attended and need easily import information of others. Basically, you see the person Pintact and are essentially asking for more information, similar to getting a business card.



Vishal Singh
Pintact Community

Co-Founder/CEO at Startup Advisor. Technologist. Researcher.