Create content that stands out with video on Pinterest

Georgia @ Pinterest
Pinterest Creators
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2020

Want to find out how to capture Pinners’ attention and drive meaningful engagements? Videos can tell rich full stories in a variety of categories: wellness and fitness ideas, tutorials on beauty and fashion, DIY projects, cooking and recipes and more. Keep reading for everything you need to know about video on Pinterest.

Top tips for video on Pinterest

  • Pick a cover that’s both relevant and high-quality. A compelling cover image helps capture people’s attention in their home feed and search results.
  • Video Pins include a title, a description, and you can also add link if you think the Pinner needs more information. Be sure to optimise your copy for search to help surface your video to the right users.
  • 80% of Pinners use Pinterest on mobile, so make sure you like the way your Pins look on a phone. We recommend portrait/ 2:3.
  • Start strong- lead with a clear hook, maybe show the finished product or add a text overlay to give Pinners a little more context about what is to come.
  • If your video has a voice-over or sound is needed to understand the video, try adding subtitles. This will ensure that everyone will be able to understand your amazing ideas. (Videos autoplay in mute in the home feed).
  • Tailoring content for Pinterest- when you’re thinking about creating video content or whether you already create video content. Think about these things when considering whether it's appropriate for Pinterest:

Is it inspirational?

Does it tell a story?

Does it teach or show Pinners how to do something?

If yes, here are some ideas of how you can tailor different types of video content for Pinterest.


  • Edit a shorter snappier version of the video that tells a story or shows a process.
  • Try editing a short trailer for the video to give Pinners and idea of what the long-form video is about.

(Remember to edit these into portrait/ 2:3, to make sure they stand out in the feed)


  • If you’re filming something in portrait, this is great for IGTV but will also be easy for you to upload to Pinterest too. You may want to edit this to better suit Pinterest and add some text overlay or subtitles if needed.

Tik Tok

  • Portrait (tick)
  • Short and snappy (tick)
  • Just make sure that the content is inspiring and actionable and you should be good to go

Step by step — How to upload Video Pins

  1. Login to your business account and click ‘+’ or ‘Create’ then Create Pin from the homepage
  2. Upload or drag and drop the video
  3. Slide the selector left or right to the image in your video that you would like as your cover photo
  4. Add up to 20 tags to indicate what the video is about
  5. Give the Pin a title, description, and add it to a board using the drop down menu under ‘Choose a board’
  6. Enter a website to link if needed
  7. Click Publish

To upload multiple videos, click to create additional video Pins. You can upload up to 2 GB of video at once.

Once your video Pin is created, Pinterest will review it within 24 hours to make sure it doesn’t violate our Community Guidelines.

To track the performance of video Pin, check out your Pin stats or Analytics.

Video Pin specs

  • mov or .mp4
  • H.264 encoded
  • 4 sec to 30 min length
  • Max size 2 GB
  • Recommended 2:3 aspect ratio

Check out this article for some amazing advice from some of our best in class video creators.

For more Pinterest tips + tricks check out the Pinterest Creators Blog, Pinterest Creators Instagram and make sure that you’re signed up to the Creator database to hear the latest from us.

Georgia — Pinterest UK Creator Specialist, currently Pinning to Must watch.

