Recap: Pinterest engineering talks @ Functional Swift Conference

Pinterest Engineering
Pinterest Engineering Blog
1 min readMay 2, 2017

At Pinterest we use Swift extensively to build internal tools like Plank, an immutable model generator we open sourced, and scripts to support the development of our iOS platform. Recently, Rahul Malik and Brandon Kase, engineers on our iOS Core Experience team, spoke at the Functional Swift Conference in Brooklyn, NY. Here’s a recap of their talks with video covering everything from GraphQL to Category Theory.

Writing domain-specific languages

In his talk, Rahul demonstrated techniques used at Pinterest to create DSLs for solving various challenges. He also showed some of our early explorations into GraphQL.

Beyond types in Swift

In the second talk, Brandon focused on how we can improve the code we write by drawing inspiration from different mathematical laws. We’re exploring this approach for our iOS platform.

