Pinterest Expert Reveals SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tips & Tactics to Get More Traffic

Anna Bennett
Pinterest Marketing for Business
9 min readMar 29, 2018
Just like on Google; your goal is to have your website rank on the first page of organic search under your select keywords, it is the exact same for your Pinterest page.

Before you start pinning away there are a few things you need to do in order for your Pinterest business account to be set up correctly & for success according to Anna Bennett Pinterest expert.

You may have the greatest images to pin, amazing blog content to post and products to sell but if no one can find you on Pinterest then you’re never going to get new Pinterest generated prospects to add to your email list or website traffic. No new traffic = no new sales. It’s as simple as that.

As a Pinterest expert I see too many businesses and bloggers making huge mistakes when it comes to Pinterest SEO. They don’t even realize that Pinterest is a search engine. They get on Pinterest, pin away, join a bunch of group boards, comment on pins and wonder why they’re not successful. As a result they miss tons of traffic that could be, should be theirs.

Too many people are in such a rush to pin their hearts out while totally missing the fact that you need to apply proper SEO tactics on your website, blog and your Pinterest account so that you will get found on Pinterest.

What is SEO?

It is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results — often referred to as “unpaid” or “organic” results.

Essentially it is the way to get your website on the first page of Pinterest organic search & Google’s organic search without having to buy ads.

Why is Pinterest SEO important?

It is very important because if you can end up on the first page of Google’s organic search under your main keywords you will drive more traffic to your website. In addition, it will be a higher quality of traffic because they are self-selected. They are interested in your product or service and actively looking for it. We want this traffic.

It is also important within Pinterest because Pinterest has its own internal search engine and if you apply SEO tactics correctly in Pinterest you will appear on top or near the top of the Pinterest search engine results too. That will drive more interested traffic to your Pinterest page, boards and pins.

SEO works on your website and your Pinterest page. And if you blend your efforts on both platforms there is a very good chance you can achieve great things.

The benefit of getting more traffic from Google and inside Pinterest is you get more followers, website, leads for your email data base and sales. As a Pinterest expert I can tell you that It is worth the effort because if you can get on the first page the impact on your sales can be transformational like it has been for me. And the best part is you don’t pay a cent for it. Pretty cool right?

Your primarily goal

Just like on Google; your goal is to have your website rank on the first page of organic search under your select keywords, it is the exact same for your Pinterest page.

One of your most important goals on Pinterest is to drive large volumes of traffic to your website and/or blog. Your Pinterest page is an extension of your website and blog. The two connect with each other. When people are on Pinterest and they click on an image it takes them back to where that information originally came from — your website, blog, or product page.

Pinterest can help you get found on the first page of Google

As a B2B service myself I consistently rank on the first page of Google’s organic search with the key words; “Pinterest Expert” and “Pinterest Consultant” with the help of Pinterest. Why is that a big deal? It’s a huge deal because Google is the most popular search engine in the world, that’s why. Everyone uses Google. 80% of the customers we’ve acquired over the years were because people found us on Google. But it was because of Pinterest that helped me get found.

They key point is that mastering Pinterest SEO means getting found on Pinterest and Google simultaneously. We’re killing two birds with one stone. Till this day we’ve never bought Google AdWords. We didn’t need to. Imagine if you could do the same? Isn’t that what you want? As a Pinterest expert I can show you how.

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use AdWords

Doesn’t it make sense to do really well on Pinterest in order to rank on the first page of Google?

Have a look at how Pinterest has helped me rank # 1 in organic search on Google as a Pinterest expert. My Pinterest account shows up first, then my White Glove Social Media website.

Let me repeat that again, it is because of Pinterest that I get found on the first page of Google. I’m not sure any other social network has the ability to do that.

Content is king

In 1996 Bill Gates made the prediction that “content is king” and it’s as true as ever today. That’s because Google wants to give you the best experience. So when you type in a keyword or a phrase on Google, it will show you the best, meaning most relevant and up to date content they can find.

This means your number one job, to do well with SEO, is to produce great content. It is the same on Pinterest.

Pinterest SEO is no different than any other skill — the great results will always come from big effort. Just like the best marketing in the world won’t help you sell a bad product, super advanced SEO will be useless if you’re content is horrible.

How do make your content great

Deciphering the best keywords is a crucial part of great content. This is why I say over and over and over again that you need to know what your most important keywords are before you doing anything on Pinterest. In chapter 2 of my Pinterest Marketing to Master Search Results course I go over how to choose your important keywords. If you still can’t figure it I offer three month email support to my students when they enroll in my Pinterest Marketing for Business online course.

Remember your prospective customers find you during their searches online by typing keywords into their search bars. Bottom line, you want your Pinterest page and website to come up on the first page of the organic search results.

A few years ago, a study found that only 4.8% of searchers make it to the second page of search results. If you are on the second page of Google your business is lost in a fog.

Use this beginner’s 13 step checklist to learn where to apply SEO juice:

1. Optimize your product & services descriptions.

Create long, in-depth descriptions for your products so that Google can work its magic more effectively. If your catalog is huge, focus on your top products. The more you write, the more accurate Google can be in ranking your page. That means more opportunity for you to use keywords.

Add keywords in the following areas:

  • Product titles
  • Product descriptions

2. How to optimize your blog

  • Blog title
  • Headers and body
  • Meta descriptions
  • Alt-text image
  • Link internally

Here are additional tips to get more shares:

a. Make sure you have social sharing buttons to make it easy for people to share your content. I love Social Warfare‘s social sharing button (as you can see I use it!) because it’s visually appealing which is important for branding. More importantly, it allows you to upload a Pinterest image so you can craft an optimized pin description and hashtags.

b. Over 80% of Pinterest users use their mobile device. Make sure your fonts are easy to read.

c. Add mini headlines so readers can easily scan through your post. This is especially important for long posts.

d. Avoid really long paragraphs. Create lists whenever possible. Pinterest users loves lists! They are just easier to consume.

e. If you want to get more shares on your blog post create at least 5 different images with different text on each one.

f. If you want your blog posts to rank high on Pinterest leverage the most popular topics that your target audience will want and need. For example, if you’re a fashion blogger and your target audience are moms use the Pinterest Guided Search Tool to decipher the most popular topics to moms.

The first step is to type “mommy fashion” in the Pinterest search engine box.

Notice the line of topics in the boxes listed under the Guided Search Tool. Pinterest is telling you as of right now those words or topics are getting the most traffic on Pinterest.

The first keyword or “topic” reading from left to right is the word with the highest traffic. The 2nd word from the left gets the 2nd most traffic and so on. This is market intelligence folks.

If you want to connect with your target audience you need to make these topics a priority. You will write about:

  • Casual mommy fashion
  • Stay at home mommy fashion
  • Nursing mommy fashion

Because these are the topics people on Pinterest are looking for.

TIP: Unless you already have a ton of subscribers you need to work smart and focus on evergreen content (has long-lasting relevance) because that will get the most shares on Pinterest. Creating blog posts that are seasonal like “Summer”, “Fall”, “Spring”, and “Winter” may not get as much repins. Let me explain what I mean.

You see when you share a blog post on Pinterest it takes time for Pinterest to get a new pin to rank high in a user’s feed, search, etc. Let’s also assume you’ve properly optimized your pins. It takes about three months to see the full value of a pin.

3. Optimize your Pinterest business account

  • Username
  • Business name
  • About section
  • Board title
  • Board description
  • Pin descriptions

In summary, when you have identified the correct keywords apply them on your website, Pinterest account and in your blogs; everywhere you can. That is how you get found at the top of search and that helps you drive fresh new traffic to your website.

I hope this blog helped you realize that SEO isn’t optional. If you’ve realized that you’ve been using the wrong keywords don’t fret. Go back and make it right. Make a commitment right now to learn how to do it correctly. I show you how, step by step in my Pinterest Marketing Master Search Results course.

Remember you need to get this right before you pin, before you write another blog, before you make another image before you join another Pinterest group board before you do anything else. Your Pinterest SEO is the trunk of your money tree. If your trunk and roots are weak, you will fail on Pinterest and more importantly, your competition will continue to crush you.

Get help from a Pinterest Expert

If you’re not sure if you are doing it right on Pinterest or not then get help from a recognized expert who knows what they’re doing. If you want to get serious ROI then you need to make an investment. I highly recommend you take a course that is up to date because Pinterest makes changes all the time.

What might work yesterday may not work today. There are rules you need to keep up with and features you want to make sure you are using to give you the best results your account deserves.

If you want to earn more, you’ve got to learn more.

Learn more about how you can be more effective on Pinterest check out my Pinterest Marketing Course for Business. Chapter one is FREE.



Anna Bennett
Pinterest Marketing for Business

Top 15 Pinterest experts chosen by Pinterest. As a Pinterest marketing expert I help businesses get more traffic, sales & rank high on Google with Pinterest.