From 0 to 100K: How I’ve Achieved Six-Figure Saves on My Pinterest Profile Organically!

Sweta Sharma
Pinterest Marketing Tips
8 min readJun 28, 2024

(Steal my 5-step framework and see the magic)

I just hit 100,000 saves on Pinterest.

Yeah, you heard that right. One hundred thousand!

My Pinterest Analytics

When I started on Pinterest, I was happy if even one person saved my pins.

Now look where we are!

Do you know what’s more fascinating than this?

I did it all without spending money on ads or using any weird tricks.

Just good old-fashioned hard work and some smart moves.

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

Now, you might be wondering, ‘Why should I bother with Pinterest anyway?’

Let me tell you something that blew my mind when I first learned it.

Pinterest isn’t just another social media platform. It’s a huge visual search engine with more than 480 million monthly users!

Can you believe that?

480 million people, all looking for ideas, inspiration, and solutions.

And guess what? They could be looking for exactly what you have to offer!

Here’s the kicker — you don’t need to spend a dime to get started!

I know, it sounds too good to be true.

But trust me, I’ve seen it work firsthand.

That’s why I’m so excited to share what I’ve learned with you.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

So, are you ready to dive in and learn how to make Pinterest work for you?

If ‘YES’ then keep reading this blog post because in this post I’ll spill all my secrets on how I went from zero to 100,000 saves.

Who knows?

Maybe you’ll be the next Pinterest success story I’ll be reading about🙌!

1. Know Your People, Make What They Love

This means figuring out who’s your target audience.

Photo by Elevate on Unsplash

Think about it this way:

  • Who are the people you want to help?
  • What kind of stuff do they like?
  • What problems do they have that you can solve?

When I started my Pinterest account, I made a big mistake.

I was posting all sorts of random stuff — inspirational wallpapers, motivational quotes, you name it.

I thought, ‘Hey, everyone likes this kind of thing, right?’

Boy, was I wrong!

Here’s what I learned: Just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s right for you or your audience.

From then on I made it a point to think & cater specifically to my target audience.

Suddenly, everything clicked.

My pins started getting more saves, more shares, and more love.

The lesson?

Don’t fall into the trap of posting random, popular stuff just because you think it might work.

Take the time to figure out who your people are and what they really want.

Then, create content that speaks directly to them.

It’s not about reaching everyone on Pinterest. It’s about reaching the right people — your people.

When you do that, that’s when the magic happens!

2. Optimize Like a Pro!

Optimization in simple terms means making your profile more discoverable.

Why is it so important?

Because Pinterest is huge!

With millions of pins added daily, optimization helps your content rise above the noise.

It’s the one thing that decides whether your pin will get traction or not.

Want to know exactly how I optimized my Pinterest profile? I’ve got all the details right here in this post⬇️.

3. Follow CPS (Consistent Pinning Schedule)

Consistency is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to getting success on Pinterest.

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Most of the people who start their Pinterest account don’t take it forward because they can’t stay consistent.

Initially, they post on their account consistently, but when they don’t see the expected results, they leave it or they start posting once in a blue moon!

But, both of these strategies won’t get you any results.

The first one will put a full stop to your Pinterest growth, and the second one will slow it down to a greater extent.

So, what should you do?

The simple & most effective answer is — Stay consistent!

And, I’m not saying it on a theoretical basis, I’ve experienced it practically myself.

Here’s what I found:

  • Pinterest likes active accounts. The more regularly you pin, the more the platform shows your content to others.
  • Your followers start to expect and look forward to your pins.
  • It keeps you in the habit of creating and sharing, which improves your skills over time.

At first, sticking to a consistent pinning schedule might feel like a chore. But when you do this for a long period, it doesn’t bother you much.

Give CPS a try. Pick a schedule that works for you and stick with it.

I bet you’ll see your Pinterest presence grow, just like I did!😊.

4. Leverage the Power of CTAs

A CTA, or Call-to-Action, is basically a prompt that tells your audience what to do next.

For example, Save Now, Share Now, Buy Now, Know More, etc.

When you add a clear CTA, you’re not just hoping people will engage with your content — you’re actively encouraging them to do so.

This can lead to more saves, clicks, and shares, which in turn helps your pins perform better in Pinterest’s algorithm.

Grab this FREE ‘50 Call to Action Guide’ to get started⬇️.

5. Hook Them with Your Visuals & Fonts

As I mentioned earlier, Pinterest is a visual search engine which means you need to hook your target audience visually.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

If you hook them, then only they’re going to click on your pin and ultimately visit your profile or destination link.

But how do you do so, when you’re competing with millions of pins?

There’s a solution for that too!

First things first, think about your images. You want images that make people stop scrolling.

I use Canva to find images for my pins.

You can also use this tool or surf these free stock photo websites mentioned below to find the perfect visual for your pins.

Now, let’s talk about colors & fonts.

Use bold, eye-catching colors that can make your pins pop.

Try to stick to a color scheme that matches your brand or the mood of your pin, if you want.

Also, choose fonts that are easy to read (no one wants to squint at their screen!)

Don’t worry if your first pins aren’t perfect.

Keep experimenting with different styles and designs.

Over time, you’ll figure out what works best for you and your audience.

Final Thoughts🎯

Try these 5 hacks and stay consistent with your efforts.

You’ll definitely get success on Pinterest😊!

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, and keep growing!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people on the team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟

Let’s connect, learn, and grow together! Follow me for fun updates and useful insights. Catch you online!🚀



Sweta Sharma
Pinterest Marketing Tips

Hey! I'm Sweta, an editor turned content creator. Join my 13k+ community to start your online journey now🚀Side Hustle Blueprint ⬇️