The UXR lens: Applying research principles to everyday life

Cristal Reyes
Pinterest Design
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2023
A hand putting a record player needle on a purple vinyl record

Have you ever scrolled through an app and thought to yourself, “Wow, this is an awful UI”? Or watched an interview on TV and thought, “That’s a great insight”? Sometimes, unknowingly, UX researchers apply research principles to their everyday lives. I loosely like to call that the “UXR lens” — in other words, how researchers view the world.

Recently, I threw my first party in my apartment, and it occurred to me that, from start to finish, I planned it like a research project without realizing it. Here are three ways that the researcher within me took over:

1. Stakeholder collaboration: From day one, I knew I had to keep my fellow event planners (aka my partner and best friend) up to date with all aspects of the party. From decorations to menus, I knew this party had multiple moving parts that had the potential to get lost in the sauce. To prevent them from getting lost, I created a shared document that detailed the high-level vision, timeline, itemized task list and more. It didn’t occur to me until afterward that it resembled a research plan. In the end, this document ended up being the glue that held it all together on the day of the party.

2. Reflections: It may be a bit hard to accept, but I had to learn that no amount of planning will result in the perfect event. Really, all we can do is Win or Learn for next time. After the party wrapped up and all was said and done, I found myself jotting down notes for future me to remember what to do (or not do). From setting up more than one speaker to buying another piñata, I wanted to provide my future self with learnings to help me refine and make my next project (I mean, party) even better.

A hand reaching for a yellow cookie, with other colorful cookies and treats in the background

3. Feedback collection: I’m not saying I treated my guests like research participants…but I definitely reached out the next day and asked questions like, “how would you rate your overall experience?” and “how satisfied were you with the beverage selection?” What can I say? I’m already planning the next party and these questions helped me gather feedback and insights that will make it even better!

Overall, between the themed decorations and amazing playlist (humble brag), I’d say the party was a success! Not only did we have a great time, but it also highlighted how the principles of UX research can seamlessly integrate into our everyday lives. It’s incredible how our research skills can enhance our day-to-day by helping us to remember to invest in ways to work and communicate better together, build in moments to reflect and open dialogues.

So, whether navigating through an app or throwing a party, remember to embrace the “UXR lens” and watch how it transforms the experience!

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Cristal Reyes
Pinterest Design

Pinterest UX Researcher, former educator, New Yorker, and hungry globetrotter!