How ChatGPT will kill Stack Overflow and make you a better developer… by ChatGPT

Robin Lloyd
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2022

It’s no secret that Stack Overflow is the go-to resource for many developers when it comes to answering coding questions and solving programming problems. But what if there was a better way to learn and improve your skills as a developer? Enter ChatGPT, the revolutionary new tool that uses advanced natural language processing technology to help you become a better programmer.

With ChatGPT, you can simply ask a question about a specific piece of code or a programming concept, and the AI will provide you with a clear and concise explanation of why that code is good, or how you can improve it. Unlike other resources, ChatGPT is able to provide in-depth, personalized answers that are tailored to your individual needs and skill level.

With ChatGPT, you can simply provide a prompt such as “I’m not sure why this approach is better than another. Can you explain?” and the AI will provide a detailed explanation of why one approach may be better than another. For example, the AI might respond with something like “The first approach is better because it uses a more efficient algorithm and avoids potential pitfalls that the second approach is susceptible to.” This way, you can not only learn what good code looks like, but also understand why it’s good code and how to apply that knowledge to your own projects.

Not only does ChatGPT help you write better code, it also helps you understand why that code is good. By providing detailed explanations and examples, ChatGPT helps you develop a deeper understanding of programming concepts and best practices, so you can become a more confident and skilled developer.

In addition to its ability to improve your coding skills, ChatGPT is also incredibly convenient and easy to use. Unlike Stack Overflow, you don’t have to wade through pages of answers to find the information you’re looking for. With ChatGPT, you can get personalized, one-on-one help in real-time, without having to wait for someone to respond to your question.

At Student Beans, some of our developers are playing with ChatGPT to enhance their skills and deepen their understanding of various coding concepts. By using the tool to ask questions and receive personalized answers, they’re able to quickly and easily get the information they need to improve their code and become better developers.

By providing a prompt such as “Can you explain the difference between React hooks with functional components and lifecycle methods in class components?” the AI is able to provide a clear and concise explanation that is tailored to the developer’s individual skill level and knowledge. This immediate feedback and guidance from the AI helps them improve their code and avoid common pitfalls.

Although it’s early days, ChatGPT looks like it could be a valuable tool for our developers at Student Beans, and we’re excited to see how it will continue to help us improve and evolve as a team.

So if you’re looking to take your coding skills to the next level, give ChatGPT a try. It’s the perfect tool for helping you become a better developer.

Oh, and by the way…this post was written entirely from prompts to ChatGPT with minimal editing.

