The Future Of Pip Writes Stuff

Pip Turner
Pip Writes Stuff
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2018
This picture has no relevance, I just like my cacti

You may have noticed, but it’s been rather quiet around here lately.

Dust has settled and what was meant to be a few weeks away turned into a few months. Let me explain where I’ve been.

In case you don’t know, I study Computer Science at University, woo hoo! I’ve just entered my final year and first semester ate up every second of my available time, so much so that I didn’t even have time to play games, never mind write about them! It’s been wild, but now I’ve entered my final full semester of University, I have a lot more free time — so writing should commence again, right?


Not quite.

This is a tough decision, but I’ve decided to stop my regular Wednesday/Saturday schedule. It was a blast doing it, but I’ve been running this blog for what would be four years this September! To put that in some context, I’m only a young ‘un and I’ve been running this blog for 16.2068966% of my life. That’s nearly a sixth of my entire life! Itching For More has been going for two years — that’s a tenth of my life! Numbers are numbers, but it does feel like this is something that has been going on for a rather long time.

But, I am proud of it. I’m proud of what I’ve written. I’m proud of how far my writing style has come, creating pieces like Proteus’ Natural Nature. I’ve interviewed people, made tonnes of new friends and contacts through this, learned a ridiculous amount about just how personal games, and writing can be. However, it is time to move on.

Primarily, I’m not a writer. I’m a programmer. With life becoming more and more busy, I want to delegate more time to creating things, rather than simply observing them. This doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop writing — expressing myself through words is something I have come to love and I would sorely miss writing (and did sorely miss it over the past two months!). However, I want to move on to writing about what I am making. I’ll still occasionally cover games, write poetry and maybe the odd interview, but most of all, I want to make things. By the middle of last year, writing had become less of something I love, and often more of a chore — something which took up time which I wanted to use elsewhere. I want to write because I enjoy it, not for the sake of it.

But, thank you to you, if you’ve read any of my writing over the past four years. I know my reach is incredibly small considering the vast size of bigger sites, and how little I self publicise(for context: only one of my pieces has ever crossed 1000 views on medium, the rest averaging around 30–50), but I’m so proud of what I’ve written. I know only few people will read this, and fewer still will care, but I feel that I owe you an update about my plans.


